
Juice question..?

by  |  earlier

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my son just turned a year old july 12th. and his "baby" wic (as i call it) ended & with the next set of vouchers we'll be getting regular juice. should i continue him on gerber juice, or maybe switch to the graduates splashers.. or just water down the regular juice (i ALWAYS water it down anyway, maybe just a little more).. i know juice isnt a have to have thing, but my son gets is one sippy of juice a day & he usually drinks its here and there throughout the day, never all at once.




  1. I THINK you get the father of the baby to buy the juice.

  2. Gerber juices and other "baby" juices are exactly the same thing as normal juices you buy for adults.  The only difference is Gerber's prices are higher because the label says "BABY".

    I buy regular juices, mix it 50/50 juice to water and give it to my son.

  3. With WIC you will get Juicy Juice which is what I gave my girls at 12 months of age. I watered it down and still do with my 19 month old. They always tell me a child doesnt need more than 4 oz. of juice a day so when you do 50/50 it works out perfectly. I think the Juicy Juice would be fine.

  4. They won't cover the baby juice anymore unless it says it on there, so you will not be able to get any Gerber juice. May I recommend Juicy Juice? That is what I used. Watering it down 75 water/25 juice still tastes pretty good. You can also pick up orange juice concentrate with those coupons. (from the frozen section.) You wouldn't need to water that down too much.

  5. First baby cant pick up the tasks you give so take it step by step OK?!

    First you must train you child by means of lessening of the juice

    Second introduce your child to other types of food as you said he is 1yr old so it is okay

    Third try to make a conversation to your son changing its interests of foods and also i include that A CHILD IMITATES WHAT THEY SEE if you want your child to eat something you must be an example of that

  6. Well first, just so you know...drinking it all at once it better than drinking it throughout the day. I found thisout from my dentist. My youngest son was getting cavities and the dentsit asked us if he drinks juice (because he doesn't get sweets that would cause them and brushes good) and if so does he drink it all at once or sip it through out the day. I said he sips it during the day and he told me that is the problem. He said they are better off drinking it all at once. Doing it little here and there makes it sit on their teeth longer and it causes cavities.

    SO anyway, I would just go with whichever juice you think is best and water it down. Maybe go with the Gerber graduates splashers. My kids are all older now so I don't even think they had those when mine were little LOL

    EDIT: forgot to add...since we stopped the juice my son hasn't had a cavity since.

  7. check out the ingredients on the gerber juice and compare them to other juices if this is the brand you are more comfortable with.  when i give juice i look for no sugar (mainly) although if it says no preservatives BONUS!  sugar is the concern...  it is a good idea to water it half and half anyway or to offer water more often than juice.

  8. You can give him regular Apple Juice, or OJ just mix it with water. My son doesnt use the Gerber anymore. Sometimes on occassion when i have $ i buy him the gerber splashers.
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