
Jujitsu website help. Please help me with this!!! I'll give 10 points to whoever offers helpful info.?

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My brother has a website at He is a jujitsu instructor. I am also involved in this. We have been working on making this all a success, but we need some input as to how to make this more of a success... what you would liek to see, what can make it better, more accessible, color scheme, etc... This is a serious endevour that is very reputable and gets alot of attention from internet users, but I want to make sure that it's 100% of what it can be. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or anything. Serious answers only, but if you must criticize, please do. I am open to ANY comments that will help and thank you VERY much in advance.




  1. you need to be able to grab people's attention by telling what classes you offer....what day's your open...where your located....list your phone number...mybe show your instructors and show inside the dojo with pictures while being creative

  2. overall is good.

    this is my opinion only, so disregard them if you dont agree with me.

    +the links on the site : blue text against black background --> hard to read

    +if this to be a site that advertise your class, it'd be a good idea to put a page where user can see who the instructors are and what have they achieved

  3. Hi, I had a look at your site and here are my thoughts:

    1. First off, there is way too much going on here. Simple is better. You should definitely tone down the colour scheme to make it more pleasing to the eye- something paler. The Member Info pages are nice and clean cut looking.

    2. It is not really clear what your site is about. Is it a shop? An information site? A club? I wasn't sure what exactly you are offering me through the site. You need to have an eye-catching title on your home-page, perhaps with a simple motif, that immediately tells the user what you are about.

    3. I'm a bit confused that there is a "Home Page" and also a "Main Page." You need to condense all the necessary information into one easily accessable home page- the one the user will be directed to after entering the URL.

    4. The whole site is very text-heavy. This can be off-putting for someone who wants information quickly and does not want to read through reams of text. I suggest you break the text up a bit using bullet points or whatever, and also make the font a bit bigger, especially on the Subscription page.

    5. I agree with the people above, that the links should definitely be on the left hand side.

    Overall, I think this site has a lot of potential, but the main thing it lacks is focus. You need to decide what your main goals are and who your target audience is. It's a bit of a maze to navigate, as some links are hidden in the text. Tone down the colour scheme and make the pages less "busy." It is also not clear how I would contact you if I needed more information. Also, one thing I feel I must point out is that the green pixally Yin Yang does not look good.

    I hope this feedback will help you improve your enterprise. Please know that I am not trying to be rude by pointing these things out, I hope my criticisms are constructive.

    Good Luck!

  4. I Checked it out...

    Objectively speaking...and from an avid jiu jitsu fan and relatively new practitioner...i think theres a couple changes and things to think about...

    1.  What exactly is the website offering??

    Is your main income the selling of products(books, DVD's, equipment, etc) or to offer JJ information and JJ classes?

    Its a little confusing right off the bat when you show the picture of the sensei and a gym...but all the links and tabs are mainly concerning information and product sales.

    2.  Simple is best...Coming from a job in design and background in graphic and computer aided design throughout college...theres just too much going on.  For example, all the differences in color and little graphics are a good idea...but only in moderation...the one graphic of the yin/yang symbol has the pixelation in the green part which looks a little silly, and all the differences in text color just detract from whatever information i may be looking for.  The theme should be something appeasing to the eye,  instead of yellows, whites, blues, reds and green over a black background.  Try to pick a color theme thats catchy with black; ie...light blue and white?Try to use better borders and a better layout for splitting up the more relevant information and keeping the little tidbits for a link.  Also have a section that says "Contact"...because after the mission statement you have the email address of an instructor, then down the page you have another link with an address....Consolodate it and make it simple to navigate...

    The "free tutorials" ehhh, not sure what to think there, i just think that training and practicing moves should be in a dojo or gym under supervision from an experienced teacher.

    I was trying to be objective and honest, sorry if any came off as a know it all or cocky...

    Overall id give the website a B- or C+, and theres a lot of room for improvement.

  5. Light colours are always better on the eyes and easy to navigate around. Try having your links in the left hand side of the page as this is the standard for most websites and is what people are used too. (you dont want to confuse visitors) Fighting and Training Methods for Unarmed Martial Artists.

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