
Juliet is a much more complex and sympathetic character than Romeo. Do you agree?

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Romeo and Juliet




  1. Juliet is more sympathetic but not more complex.  Romeo is one of the most internally tortured characters in Shakespear's plays. This plays into his complexity.

  2. There aren't really any complex characters in R&J, unlike Lear, Hamlet and Macbeth.

    She only 13 and face with a lot of difficult decisions. Like any modern girl, she rebels and looks for independence. Imagine if your mother had very little to do with you and let someone else raise you (Nurse). Then imagine falling in love (not puppy love) with 'the one' only for that mother to say no. She then blackmails you with being disowned, your name taken and being put on the streets if you don't marry Paris?

    I'd say that she's a more sympathetic character.  

  3. This is a very good question - I've thought of it many a time.

    There is a good case that Romeo is less complex and sympathetic: he is much older than Juliet (she is like 13 or less) and he pretty much fancies the "hard to get" girl.  He "loves" her in the sense that he wants her, but it's a common love and sexual above all; he uses a lot of fancy language to doggedly pursue his prize.  He's also a bit of a coward.

    However, Juliet is younger: she desires an older man, she's going against her father and mother's wishes, she is romantic in the highest degree.  However, this can be easily chalked up to natural rebellion at her age.  She's immature, a bit melodramatic, and naive. Thus, while she is indeed more sympathetic, she probably no less complex: they are both rather shallow.

  4. Complex?  No.  Sympathetic?  Yes.

  5. I don't think she is very complex.  Maybe more sympathetic.

    Here are links to a couple of study guides about the play. They should help you. Also do a search here in the Yahoo Answers search window for Romeo and Juliet as hundreds of questions have been asked here about it, and those Q's and A's should also help you.

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