
Julio Caesar Chavez jnr v John Duddy

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Julio Caesar Chavez Jnr v John Duddy

Expectation is the buzz word going into next weekends bout between Julio Caesar Chavez Jr and John Duddy as they face each other for the WBC silver middleweight title (the what?!) in San Antonio Texas.

Chavez Jr has expectations placed on him by those who believe he can carry his impressive record up to the top level. While Duddy aims to show that he can still live up to early expectations of being a future world title contender, despite a blip in form.

On paper this would seem a fantastic match-up which will also see family brought to the forefront. Duddy has found himself in the spotlight as the Saville Report brings the events of Bloody Sunday back into the national psyche. His uncle was one of those killed and he will be remembered with a ten count next saturday night.

For very different reasons family is at the forefront for Chavez as he aims to step out of his farther, Julio Caesar Chavez snr, shadow and establish himself as top pro in his own right.

Without question this clash has the potential to be a real humdinger. Chavez Jr goes in with an unbeaten record of 41-0-1 with 30 KO’s, while Duddy boasts a 29-1-0 card and both fighters love a scrap.

This is the biggest step-up of Chavez Jr’s career. He has an impressive record but all his wins to date have come against low-level opposition. He’s got big boots to fill and can’t escape his father’s legacy, its bit tricky when he shares a moniker with his legendary former world champion pa.

Likes his dad he stalks his opponents around the ring, before flying into them with punishing body shots and power-punches. His pop was the ultimate swarmer and Chavez Jr to some extent tries to replicate this style.

However question marks remain as to how good he really is. There have been accusations that he has been lazy in training and his attitude is all wrong. So far he hasn’t pushed on with the calibre of fighter he has faced which has led to criticism in some quarters. His dad was famed for having a granite chin but Junior’s is still yet to be tested and although he has displayed some power, it’s not been proved he can carry that beyond domestic level, this will be the acid test.

Encouragingly for him he has now joined up with Freddie Roach and his team which is a ringing endorsement because Roach wouldn’t be working with him if he didn’t rate him. Chavez Jr has attracted a big fan-base, probably down to his dad’s huge popularity, he will be looking to put on a show for them and prove that he can beat more than tomato cans.

Meanwhile Duddy looked the real-deal at one stage, he was tipped for greatness early in his career, but the wheels began to come off and culminated in a loss to Billy Lyell in April last year, just as he looked set to take on some big names.

“The Derry destroyer” is an aggressive fighter who will take up residence in the centre of the ring and aim to throw crowd pleasing haymakers and leads with strong straights that he can back up with decent combinations. He’s one of those fighters that when he’s good, he’s really good, however at times he drops his guard with complacency and can eat a lot of leather.

He’s bounced back from his defeat to Lyle with gusto and has scored some impressive wins of late, including a first round knockout against Juan Astorga and a split decision against Michael Medina in a polished if unspectacular performance.

At 30 years of age Duddy needs to be pushing on and a big performance tonight could finally secure him a world title shot.

This should be a great match-up between two fighters with their eyes on the big time, an all out war can be expected and it may come down to who’s most durable. They will both be hoping to answer any lingering questions about their attitudes and abilities and this a proper ‘prove it’ fight.

Prediction: Duddy 11th round KO

Chavez Jr has picked the wrong time to fight Duddy. Given the circumstances he is going to be fighting with fire in his belly. When Duddy starts unloading he can look a frighteningly relentless beast, ironically like Chavez Jr’s old man.

Having fought so many fights against weaker opposition this step-up in class might shock the Mexican who will try and return in kind but might find himself out-matched in a war. He will need all the tricks Roach would have taught him if he wants to come through this with his 100% record intact, but ultimately might be found wanting under constant pressure from the Irishman.



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