
Julius Caesar, BRUTUS QUOTES!!! help!!!?

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for my honors english I class i need a quote showing that brutus is noble/high power in gov. Also a quote about his [brutus's] inevitable disaster. thanks in advancee!!!!




  1. i hope this helps:

    Act 2, Scene 1

    Brutus, unable to sleep, walks through his orchard awaiting dawn. He replays his conversations with Cassius in his mind, divided between his love for Caesar the man and his fear that Caesar's unlimited power will destroy the Republic. Brutus orders his servant Lucius to light a taper in his office and, when Lucius returns he brings the false petition that Cinna has planted. Brutus reads the letter and, just as Cassius had hoped, it arouses Brutus' passions. The conspirators arrive at Brutus' house and Lucius leads them to the orchard. Not knowing if Brutus has decided to join them, the group exchanges pleasantries until Cassius takes Brutus aside. When the two rejoin the group, Brutus asks for the hands of the conspirators as he agrees to lead them in the assassination plot. As they begin to plan the murder, Brutus insists that they do not harm Antony:

    Our course will seem too bloody, Caius Cassius,

    To cut the head off and then hack the limbs,

    Like wrath in death and envy afterwards;

    For Antony is but a limb of Caesar:

    Let us be sacrificers, but not butchers, Caius. (162-6)

    Dawn is breaking, and the


    They have listings of quotes from all the characters. Great study guides. =D

    It helped me a lot

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