
July of this year Palin is put under investigation costing alaska 100,000$ What is Mccains problem?

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0 LIKES UnLike mayor of a town of 7,000- Gov for 20 months and under investigation during an election (husband is an oil man) and as NBC reported today she lied about her part in the bridge to nowhere. Shooting fish in a barrel. ---




  1. She got the state a $6,000,000,000 (that's BILLION) surplus.. I think they can afford it. By the way, her husband is a fisherman, and the state of Alaska has over 650,000 inhabitants, liberal idiots. She's been governor since 2006.

  2. She says global warming is a hoax

    20 months Gov. population, less than 10,000...5 month old baby, no experience....  

  3. I smell an attack ad!

  4. He made the right choice.  People make the same WEAK attacks over and over again because he has little baggage.  She's got you all riled up and the conservatives and moderates all FIRED up!  when you are in public office and as loved as Palin, people will just make stuff up to try to bring her down.  

    We are enjoying every minute.

    McCain / Palin 2008

  5. NBC has been in Obama's pocket for months.  

    That $100,000 is private money to see if they could pin her when she fired a staff member that wanted to bloat the budget even when she wanted him to cut the budget.  He tried to claim he was fired because he didn't fire a cop that supposedly committed domestic (the cop married her sister) violence by doing things like tasering her sister.

    She cut the idea of the bridge because of federal funds.  She could have only vetoed the state funds of that.  That's basic grade school education.

    Many people in Alaska are involved in oil or supporting people working in oil and natural gas. It's that or fishing, mining and the tourist trade.

  6. Mc Cain is crazy and that's his problem

  7. (husband is an oil man) He actually was an oil man that actually worked in the field and was member of the union (United Steelworkers).  

  8. He can relate....remember the keating 5 thing?

  9. McCain lives on a different planet.

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