
Jump/break cue?

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What are differences between jump/break cue and normal cue?




  1. Jump and break cue's have hard tips and therefore used for hard strikes on the cue ball.  

    Normal playing cues have softer tips, which allow for greater placements of cue ball.. e.g. good for english or drawbacks..

  2. The main difference is that a J/B cue has two joints. It can be used full length for a break cue or you can remove the bottom half of the butt and use the rest as a jump cue.

    They also generally will have a very hard tip, either a phenolic or canvas resin, or perhaps a hard water buffalo tip. This makes jumping balls much easier to do, and seems to help for breaking harder as well.

  3. A jump/break cue is better (more than likely) for breaking and jumping than a normal cue, but don't use it for running out.


  4. Actually good jump/break cues are not to be shot with.  A gdood break cue is designed to limit the amount of "action" the cue has.  Usually done by using a small ferule, hard tip, or using one of the new phenolic tips.  Some jump break cues are not made any different than the regular except for the middle joint in the butt piece of the stick.  You can tell if the ferrule is an inch or more it is ok to shoot with.

  5. Nuff said

    Just dont forget to use chalk every shot or the hard tip will miscue

    I use mine for everything
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