
Jumping Back Swing Kick?

by Guest66639  |  earlier

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Does anyone elses neck hurt after practicing this kick? I'm not drastically whipping my head around and can't seem to figure out what I'm doing to make my neck so sore.




  1. Always turn your head to the direction of the kick before you kick. Look to the target first. All of your kicks and reverse or spin techniques require that you turn your head first. You may be turning your head as you are turning your hips and launching the kick and jerking your neck. Try to pattern it out in slow motion and have someone watch and critique your movements. They can help you balance so you can do it slow. until you get it. Also you should strive to be balanced so you can eventually be able to do it slow without someone helping you balance. That way you will know you are in the correct posture. This works for all the kicks I know of. Of course you can't jump in slow motion yet you should be able to move to the point of the jump without loosing your balance.

    I hope this helps.

  2. cant relate here with the kick....but i had neck and ab pain when i learned how to gotta get a real good stretch before hand....obviously

  3. can u do the flying triple left panda flip kick

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