
Jumping in the deep end/diving board?

by  |  earlier

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i can deffinetly swim in there but i was always scared to jump

any tipsss?




  1. The first thing you need to be able to do is be a strong swimmer and be confident in deep water, and as you already stated you can swim in the deep end, you are already half way there.

    Now as a previous user has stated that the steps are actually fairly hazzardous as they become wet and subsequently slippery, and lack of attention or running can cause injury, so walk calmy and pay attention, and you will make it up to the board fine.

    now think of when you jumped from the side of the pool + the smaller diving boards, each board is exactly the same just raised higher from the surface of the water, therefore apply the same steps that you took on the lower boards as you will for the higher ones (easier said than done on your first few goes)

    The higher boards such as the platforms do look extremely high up there on your first few goes, but remember that (A) your height + (B) being able to see the bottom of the pool is making it look higher than it is.

    Right - now you know you are confident in deep water, so just remind yourself that you are fine, and that all you have to do is step off the edge, don't take too long about it as the longer you stand there the more thinking and ultimately negative feelings about it....go straight up there and go for it....

    After a few goes the feeling of being scared to death will fade and the excitement and adrenaline will aid you to jump again and again without the fear :)

    we have all been through this at some point, and this fear comes back with every new dive, but its about self belief and telling yourself you will be fine, and just going for it.

    good luck

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