
Jumping problem please please answer is urgent

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i am going to camp in a few days and because at my old stables i was in a group lesson and beginners kept coming in we did the same thing every lesson which was trot, trot, canter and a small jump at the end. i moved riding schools recently and my new instructor taught me how to do the jump position properly but said i should go into the position a few strides be for the jump. now the thing is i am in a very experienced group for everything else and am worried because i know your ment to go into the jump position as your horse takes off but as i am in a experianced group i am worried everyone else will do it as they take off and laugh at me for doing it early should i listen to my instructor and maybe get laughed at or not and jump not as well as i am capable of ? plz help i am leaving for camp in a few days :)




  1. Listen to your trainer. They know what you should be doing. Concentrate on yourself and YOUR riding. Some of them might try to make fun of you but I doubt it will last.

    We had a girl named Sarah (around 12) at our barn try to do what you are worried about: making fun of the less advanced kid. Carrie was 11 years old and had been riding for 5 years. She wasnt very confident so my trainer kept her doing basic stuff far longer than anyone else. Sarah tried to make fun of her because Carrie got into her two-point early (like you) and held onto the mane over x-rails and 2' jumps (the heighest se goes). Anyway, the Sarah went up to Carrie during a lesson and was like 'You shouldnt hold onto the mane, you get up to early (ect, ect...) because I have only riding for a year and I dont have to.' She came up with all the stuff she thought the Carrie was doing wrong. Carrie got all worried about her riding and came up to my friends and I (most advanced at the barn and arround 15) and was like 'Sarah says I shouldnt hold onto the mane. She says its bad. Should I not do it?'. She was freaked out about not be able to hold onto the mane because she was felt that was her only way to stay on (it wasnt, she had a good leg and solid uppper body but had the confidence issues) I told her holding the mane was fine and everyone does it occasionally. She kinda believed me but was still worried so my friends jumped in about how they hold the mane all the time and it wasnt a bad thing. My friends and I were miffed that the older girl (who is on a nicer horse but is not much more advanced) had taken it upon herself to s***w with the other girl. Then Sarah came up to us (in the same lesson) and was like "can you believe Carrie still holds onto the mane!" I wanted to slap her and I could tell my friends wanted to do the same. Well, we shut her whole thing down real fast. She now keeps her comments to herself and the rest of us try to ignore her.

    Sorry for the huge story but I figured it was the best way to prove my point. Some girls might try to laugh but real riders wont. They understand that everyone starts somewhere and no one moves at the same pace. I would relax and try to enjoy riding (it shouldnt be to hard, camp is awesome!)

    Side note: (I just have to include this because it cracks me up everytime I think about it. Immature I know but whatever) Sarah has one lesson a week and I usually have 4 group lessons and a private lesson every week. I only pay for one group lesson but my trainer lets me join other lessons if there is room.

    Like 2 weeks after the above incident Sarah came up to me before a lesson and was like 'Guess what, I jumped 2'6" last week and I did really good and I am so excited' (I had purposly skipped the day she was riding). I could tell she was trying to get to me and I should have let it go but I didnt. I looked at her and was like 'WOW, good job! I did 3'6" last Friday and Im really excited as well!" I had done a couple 3'6" courses and was excited but the whole experience was made better when I got to see the look on her face. She had only see me go up to 2'3" (I had been working on jumping w/o stirrups and straight lines whenever she saw me ride) and had thought she had beaten me height wise. I still crack up when I think of it. Immature: yes  but it was hillarious. And I know not to judge ability be height but she does and it was nice to throw it back at her.

    Again sorry for the huge story!

    Have fun at camp!

  2. Your instructor knows best!  It also depends a bit on your horse.  The whole reason you are going on a camp apart from to have fun is to learn in a safe environment.  The person who can advise you best is your instructor because he or she can see the way you ride and how your horse is behaving!  For a horse who is tanking into fences you would not want to fire him or her up even more by getting into the jumping position too early, for a good one you could get in jump position earlier, and if you have a horse who is likely to put in a dirty stop last second, you would not want to get into position too early otherwise you would end up going on ahead and then your horse would be standing on the take off side and you would be looking up at him laughing his head off!  

    Any others in your class should not be laughing at your mistakes any more than you should laugh at theirs.  That is not fair on either side.  Yes, laugh and have fun WITH each other, but not at each others' expense.  Everyone has difficulties, especially when they first start out.

    Good luck and enjoy your camp.

  3. Hey, don't worry about people laughing at you. xD

    Listen to your instructor. Afterall if you listen to him/her they will praise you for listening not the others. :D

  4. Listen to your instructor. She knows your skill level and when you're ready she will change what you are doing. If the level you are doing at camp seems to difficult talk to to the camp instructor and they might be able to switch you to a group that is more your level. Have fun at camp! =)

  5. Your new instructor probably had you at the two point a few strides early to make sure you were in the correct position when the horse took off. That way you don't interfere with the horse as it goes over the fence. It also gives you a chance to learn to feel  how the horse plants and arcs upon jumping without worrying about what you need to do. Why do you worry about what the other kids think? Remember they were all beginners at one time and had to do the same things you are doing now. With enough time and practice you will soon be at their level.Watch them so you can pick up timing and form well as mistakes.Tell your camp instructor you are new to jumping so you can be evaluated and given a safe horse. Once you are working well with your horse you can cut your 2 point down a stride at a time and before you know it , you'll be taking off like the others.  

  6. i do it exactly on launch because i find i tend to get left behind if i do it too early making it uncomfortable for me and the horse but thats my developed preference.

    If i were you i would spend a little time practising, maybe phon up your riding school and ask if you can go for an hour of jumping lesson so you can practise and develop your own preference.

    Good luck and have fun.

  7. Listen to your instructor b/c that's wat mine did when i was just learning to jump by doing that your instructor is teaching you how the right 2 point over the jump is going to feel and when you get the right 2 point your instructor when then tell you to get in the 2 point when you are suppose to  

  8. Listen to your instructor. Very few groups will laugh when you do something different to them. Whenever I do a jump that I am nervous about I tend to grab the mane a few paces ahead, and then go into jump position. Even if they do laugh, the feeling you get from doing a jump well is so amazing you won't care!  

  9. Always listen to your instructor. Your instructor is there for a reason. She's teaching you what you need to know. Don't worry about the other people in your lesson. Just concentrate on what you need to be doing.

  10. Listen to your new instructor. You can also watch the others go. They will not laugh at you. You are there to learn, and so are they. You don't want to get into your position 5 strides ahead. maybe around 3, and just lean forward and get ready.  

  11. Horse riding is one of the bitchiest sports I know.. I have been to a few camps so I understand why your worried about what the others think.

    If I were you, I would trust your teacher. Everyone rides differently and you obviously feel more comfortable if you go into the jumping position early. During canter, I find it uncomfortable to keep a straight back as I prefer to relax as if I am another part of the horses body. My horse is perfectly comfortable and we are starting to learn Natural horsemanship instead of using the BHS method of riding.

    Its all about finding whats right for YOU. Not for all the other people at camp.. its about you.

    Dont worry about the other riders. I doubt they will laugh! They probably wont even notice. Remember that all of these girls are in the same position as you and are all there to become better riders.

    Stop worrying and go and enjoy yourself!

    Have a good time!

  12. Listen to your trainer.  They always know what's right.  I bet you are an excellent rider if she put you in an experienced group.

  13. OMG where do u ride?? Think if you are in the jumping positition a few strides earlier and your horse refuses well the only thing that will happen is you will definitely fall off not to mention if he jumps you ll be sitting on her back as she rises so just get in the position as the horse rises and sit realy hard until you get the proper approach on the fence and sit back right after the horse land or u may make the horse lose balance

  14. Get into position a fews strides before.... Hold it for a few strides after

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