
Jumpsoles or strength training shoe?

by  |  earlier

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I am 5ft 11 and i would like to increase my vertical to dunk. which shoe is better the jumpsoles or the strength shoe?




  1. Okay.. As to which shoe is better, that surely I, we, don't know. If you're looking for which one is cheaper, jumpsoles has a $90 product. There 'best' product costs $120 though. Strength shoes meanwhile costs $130. Jumpsoles may be cheaper but Strength shoes looks better. Jumpsoles looks awkward to use isn't it? Personally, I wouldn't suggest you to buy any of these kind of products. I don't know, It's just me but I don't think these equipment doesn't work. It will just cost you you're dollars. But then, it's up to you! Good luck!

  2. Jumpsoles...

  3. Bro dont even get them... from what I heard if you dont do any of the drills correctly you can tear some ligament in your leg... You should just do plyometrics for jumping, or basketball, they really help.. Me and you are about the same height I weigh about 185,  and I can do all kinds of dunks, I used plyometrics.... Also, the easiest way to dunk is thru repition...All you have to do is go to a 10 foot rim, and jump and try to grab rim...If you can grab it, just touch it, if you cant, at least smack the backboard... When you land, explode right back up, do not stop to gather yourself, its all about explosion... Do that at least 50x (my coach made us do it 99 and dunk for 100) but I think 50 would work too.... so yea, try that out and it should give you amazing results

  4. From what I've seen both work fine you can't really go wrong

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