
Junck mail?

by Guest64276  |  earlier

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Hi there,I am using yahoo mail 6 years.The problem i am getting now is everyday i am getting 50-60 junck mails.I would be very happy if it is possible to stop and let me know.Thanks.




  1. I feel for ya. I had the same problem. It's time consuming, but scroll down to the bottom of the e-mails, and look for the Unsubscribe button, Or something that says Opt-Out. Usually you will have to send them a blank e-mail, or they will provide you with a page to type in your e-mail and click on yet another button that says unsubscribe. It took me about a month, but I finally have my emails down to a dull roar instead of getting 50 or 60 junk e-mails a day, now I get about 2 to 5 junk emails a day

  2. get a spam killer frm somewere i think

  3. yaeh get spam killer.

    its easy to get

    ask somone who knows about computars

  4. Lucky you i get way more then that and the more you unsubcribe the more you get..Where does this stuff keep comming from?

  5. try spaming it

  6. enable your spamguard and you can also set your spamguard to delete all those mails once it is received.

  7. If it's in your bulk mail don't worry about it, it doesn't affect your storage space. If it's in your inbox just click on it and then on the spam button. By the way the junk doesn't have a c in it. Hope you don't mind my correction

  8. yehh get a spam killer but if the problems keeps happening change your email to google who have good spam guards
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