
June 2008 Regents ~ Calculate my grade please!!?

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I just checked my answers and I got 4 mc wrong. I lost about 8 credits on the part twos. ( I know, I know) I"m very disappointed in myself... but some of the questions threw me. Looking back I knew it, it just didn't come to me at the time. I'm considering re-taking it. Anyway, can someone please calculate my grade. I understand that what I lose with the curve is impossilbe to know.




  1. girl in this website u can calculate your grade

    today i took the global regents

  2. Well since you got 12 credits off total that would give you a 73 out of 85 raw score, and it would be scaled to an 83. And don't worry about more of a curve, the curve is factored into the conversion chart. And also, you can only get partial credit on questions with multiple parts. If a question has part a,b, and c and you get a and b right you get 2 points. Good luck.

  3. Yesterday's chem exam and answers, as well as grade curve chart, are posted at  (look at the right side of the page).

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