
June bugs??????

by  |  earlier

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I have june bugs in my house, and they're just in MY room. I have a BIG phobia of bugs. I'm feven scared of ladybugs and butterflies. Wow. Anyways, my room is the only place with the junebugs, and I would extremely like to get rid of them. I mostly find them on their backs and dead??? Why???




  1. do you have a window open at night that lacks a screen? they are drawn to lights. as for them being dead, could be they get stuck in the house with no food or water and die.  as for getting rid of them, depends on how they are getting inside. poor june bugs, they  are harmless.

  2. I have no clue but I had to say something because I am so glad to hear I am not the only one afraid of june-bugs.If you want to kill them turn on a little light because it attracts them then smash them....LOL....I hate those things
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