
Jungian Dream Interpretation?

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I was wondering if anyone could give me a Jungian analysis on a dream I had last night. I dreamt that there were two baby monkeys in my backyard, and they were like normal pet monkeys in diapers and they had bottles. At the end of the dream, they came close to me like they wanted me to help them or feed them. I don't remember how the whole thing ended though. Any help would be greatly appreciated.




  1. When I was younger I used to have dreams about raising or caring for monkeys quite frequently.

    It seems like there is a mother-archtype guiding this dream, because the monkeys were being raised more like human babies than monkeys - being given diapers & bottles. At the end of your dream you feel a sense of longing almost because it's as if they wanted to help them.

    Monkeys are pretty similar to humans, so these monkeys could be playing the role of children symbolically - do you want children or have you been contemplating bringing children into your life? This dream is probably trying to get you to think about how you feel about becoming a parent.

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