
Junior High Help!!!???

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I'm going into JH in a few days, and I don't really know what to expect. I'm going into Grade 7, and I'm confused. Rotating classes?? 5 minutes to get your stuff from you lockers?

BTW I'm going into french immersion to learn a whole new language!!

Grade 8 and 9's would help... what the hay, what should i expect, EVERYONE!!






  1. try getting a bag, kind of like a vertically long bag, to put one big binder and other school supplies in so you don't have to go to your locker every class period. Don't panic! everyone is bound to get lost their first day of junior high, i did. So when you get lost don't be afraid to ask a teacher where a class room is and most the time the teachers don't get mad if your a little late the first two days.

  2. Ok IM also going to 7th grade and I have no Idea where to go on the first day my school is also 7-9 so yeah I need an answer too well this is what I think Ask a teacher BUT IM WARNING YOU DONT ASK A OLLDER KID THEY WILL GUIDE YOU IN THE WRONG DIRECTION TRUST ME!!!!!!!

  3. It's a LOT of fun! I miss my middle school days =P

    Don't worry about it too much, and be yourself!!! Make sure you hang out with the right people and all that! You'll get used to the whole rotating class thing, and learning a new language isn't that bad! I love rotating classes because I get so tired in one classroom all day! Just have fun!!!

  4. I didn't find it all that hard. This year I'm going into Gr 8. Last year, the teachers gave us some leeway for us to settle down and get used to things. Plus if the French immersion is to hard, then just go back to your regular middle school.

    GOOD LUCK!!!

  5. sweetie junior high is nothing

    im going into highschool this year

    talk about scared

    don't stress over it, youll have plenty of time to get to your classes and you can carry your books to your classes if you don' t feel like stopping at your locker after every period

    trust me you'll love junior high, i did

    you'll make plenty of new friends and you will have so much fun

    good luck and don't stress

  6. It might be scary at first but by the end of the first week you will understand completely.  Remember that all the kids will be in the same boat as you even if they don't admit it...Everyone is scared and nervous about what to expect.  

  7. Junior high really isn't as scary as it seems at first,

    You will eventually get used to rotating classes and teachers are fairly easy on you at first,

    It's easiest if you try and carry most of your stuff to your classes it saves time and is just less of a hassle,

    Junior high is full of drama try your best to stay out of it,

    all in all just be a good student try your best,

    The new changes will take some getting used to but it's all for the better hunn,

    Good luck!! ♥


    My junior high is from 6th grade to 8th so it's slightly diffrent but,  just stay calm and try to make as many new friends as possible, but don't be fake.

    The five minute thing honestly is a drag, i have the same times. I'm late alot, but hey who cares. lol

    best of luck to ya! stay true to ya! 7th greader rule! lmao!

  9. haha seventh grade is not stressful

    i guess 8th grade will be more stressful than 7th

    have fun in 7th grade because for me 8th grade was just plain boring

    i had alot of projects in 7th grade but in 8th was not much.

    good luck :D

    btw. i didnt have lockers so i dont know much


  10. the first couple days are confusing

    [where your classes are]

    other than that it is soooo much fun.

    At my school middle school is 6th grade - 8th grade

    5 minutes feels like 10 minutes. trust me.

    The only thing I would advise you to do is: not to get into the whole drama thing. you'll end up worried about that instead of your classes, I would know because I was a honor student in 6th grade and started gossiping and stuff in 7th grade and my grades went down the tubes.

  11. haha, i was nervous too its kind of hard the first week but you get used to it. I had to learn french to and im still learning it. its not fun, but if you get a good teacher its easy. dont worry, all your friends will be right where you are. and the first week or so the teachers let you be a little late and arent as mean becasue your new to it :D

  12. Remember this moment one year from now when you see the newbies entering Junior High for the first time.  What's cool about Junior High is that you do get to rotate classes every period.  There will be more teachers to learn from and more classmates.  You will still have most of your friends from elementary school, plus new ones from neighboring schools.  You will get your schedule on the first day or orientation, depending on your school.  Once you get your schedule, plot your classes on the school map.  You may want to label the classrooms 1, 2, 3, etc to correspond to period 1, 2 3, etc.  Knowing where your classes are, plan a route.  You might need to gather your books for 2 periods ahead if you don't have time to stop at your locker.  Once you get into a routine, it wouldn't be so bad.

    I think after a week or so, you'd think JH is much more fun than elementary.  Good luck!

  13. Calm down... what's the worst that can happen? I had rotating block last year, it may seem like the most confusing schedule... It was fun... It only took about 5 minuets of an upperclassman explaining it to me for me to get it! In junior high I had 4 minuets to get from one side of the campus to the other... you can do it!

  14. Don't worry about it. Your teachers will help you out with rotating and it gets easy soo fast. 5 minutes is PLENTY of time to get stuff from your lockers. I usually just get all my morning stuff so I don't even have to stop at my locker. Is your first day a half day? If so, that's the day where they show you how to do everything. If it's a regular, full day, they'll still tach you what you need to know. I found a locker shelf really helpful in organizing all my stuff. People make it seem like such a big deal (a locker, rotating classes, blah blah blah) but you'll memorized your schedule in a day or two and everything will be fine. Good luck and just remember... HAVE FUN!

  15. IT  is ok my sister is going to high school and now that she thinks of it Junior high is like pre-school to her. but learning a new language is hard. and you will get to class in time even if you are a mile away. :)

  16. i was scared to but they only give us 3 mins to switch classes you guys got plenty of time.

    but its WAYY better than elementryy wayy more fredom

    i was scared but trust me once yur there you will know wha to do.

    dont worry about it worrying about it is badder than its gonna be.

  17. Your just going into junior high for 7th grade werid I started JH when i was in 6th grade but anyway I'm going into 8th grade and JH isn't that hard. I don't know if this is how it's going to be for you but for me all my classes where in the same hallway accept gym music and art and of course Lunch and recess. It was pretty easy though and I started 7th grade in a new town though i had already been through 6th grade which was JH so hope this helps oh and i don't know if you had lockers in Elm. school but if you didn't make sure you keep your locker clean and that you have somewhat of a system so you can get to class in time hope this helps and good luck.

    Just relax the first day will be hard but it will get easier.

  18. I was so nervous about starting the Junior High. Its not bad at all don't worry. After the first day you'll be used to switching classes. The teachers will help you during the first week. Five minutes to switch classes is long, we only had 4 minutes. Don't stress. Thats all I can tell you. I stressed and that was the worst part of it. Oh and taking a language isn't hard, you just learn the basics. Good Luck!

  19. Whoa whoa whoa, slow down.....breath.......okay.  I am in Junior high, I am already in 7th grade and it is wicked awesome!  Trust me, don't worry about it!  The lockers aren't really what you're expecting but the food's better, the kids aren't as much of idiots, and if you don't calm down, you're going to be the freak there.  Don't try to act the best, be an adverage kid, listen to the teachers though, and just let things flow....  Hope that helps!!!

  20. I just started at a knew school as a Freshmen. It might be bigger than your old school. Their passing periods wich are 5min when each class ends to get to your next class. You do have a difrent class room and difrent teachers. If you find yourself being late to classes by going to your locker (if its by all of your classes thats good) but i just put all my books in my book bag. It might seem stressfull at first but after the first week you'll be good!

    Good Luck

  21. okay, just don't over react about this,

    its your first day of juior high.

    well okay, first getting to your lockers then to the next class, 5 minutes is REALLY all you need thats how much we get in high school and its PLENTY of time do not worry, and meeting new ppl?

    yeah sense your going to be having new ppl in every class you will EASILY meet new ppl.

    dont worry about rotating classes. its not that bad!

    i'd be just the same as 6th grade but just a totally new classroom and teacher and you will have friends you MAY know!!

    you'll be fine 7th grade is a fun year!

    but you will have tons more fun 8th grade year cuz you get to call the seventh graders little sevies :)

  22. its really not that hard to go to your locker and go to the next class... the first few days might be but teachers expect that they're will be late students so for the first week they dont give out tarty slips...

    expect TONS of ppl like 4 times your elementary school... and in JH you change for PE so the first week expect to be embarrased but remember so is everybody else. nobody is looking around in the locker rooms, they are making sure they get in and out of their clothes quickly...  

  23. hi,

    I'm going to eighth grade and the thing you have to remember is that you don't have much time to get from class to class so use your time wisely and it will get easier as the year goes by and you will become comfortable switching and with the transmission time

  24. sounds like fun! you shouldnt wory about it. jjunior high school is just a head start before you get into high school and into the real word. there you'll meet new people and for you, a new language. 5 min is alot to get to the lockers. it just sounds very little but the lockers are in the hallways so its pretty close nearby. you shouldnt have to worrry. just go with the flow

    & btw. im in 10 grde now. :]

  25. Im A Freshman , And I Took Spanish In 5th grade, just think if you learn it now, you wont have a hard time later, rotating classes is easy, and it gives you time to talk to friends, back when i was in jr high we had 2 min to get are stuff so your pretty lucky just dont worry...go to skewl socialize and get your work done and hey good luck..!!

  26. well, i am in 9th grade although here, 9th grade is first year of high school. anyway, i am pretty sure everyone has the same worries as you. you get used to it pretty fast, but at the beginning of the year the teachers don't usually yell at you for being late, or else they would be yelling at a lot of people, you know. anyway, live and learn, its a lot of fun, really

  27. omg... i did that in 6th grade. its NOT a big deal at all. i actually only had 4 minutes in between. all u need 2 do is keep ur locker organized! i had 2 learn spanish.. to study u should make flashcards.. they help a lot.... and payy attention. my spanish teacher always emphhizized wat was gonna b on the test..... but I personally think that JH is way more fun then the previous years!! good luck and have fun!

  28. ok so I'm going into 7th grade to but my school is 6th 7th and 8th so ive already been in junior high for a year and 5 min seems like a short time but its not plus i only had 4 min and rotating classes is fun u don't have to be with the same class all day and i don't get lockers til h.s. so i had to carry my stuff around oh and there is alot of drama or maybe that's just my school...

  29. i'm going into eighth grade.  it depends on you if middle school will be tough for you.  getting to class in 5 minuntes is not so bad; you get used to it.  in my school, you have to change out of your P.E. clothes and go to your next class in 5 minutes!  just beware of gossip and backbiting- in middle school it multiplies! oh, and in my city, you go to middle school in the sixth grade, so you are even less prepared and more naive.  just focus on your studies, while keeping a few close friends at hand, and don't talk about anyone or spread rumors about anyone.  and about the locker problem, don't worry.  you'll adjust to the time, and if you have trouble, get all of your things at your lunch period.

  30. Well I started Junior High a few years ago and it's not as bad as you think.

    My only advice is to stay organized.

    I kept my schedule on the door of my locker until I memorized my classes so that I always knew which class I had next and where to go.

    I also got a little shelf in my locker for my binders so that I always knew where they were.

    If you stay organized and keep a clean locker you don't have to worry about searching everywhere for your books, so you have more time to get to class.

    And don't worry about learning French, it should be fun learning a knew language.

    School is suppose to be the best time of your life, so don't worry, just have fun!

    Hope I helped and Good Luck. :)

  31. my little cousin is going through the same phase. dont worry, you'll get used to it over time... when my friends first went to jh, they thought i would be super scary, but hey- they actually thought it was fun. they got new friends and yeah--- 5 minutes to get stuff from ur lockers right? there's lunch break and here's what you could do... if your locker is near class, then you could get it in no time.... but the sad part is that you walk around all day and preferably you get late to classes if one class is here and the other class is on the other side of campus
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