
Junior cert CSPE predictions?...10 easy points?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike cspe test's on monday and i think its gunna be fine except the photo part at the start....does anyone have any predictions on who might come up?....or maby if you know someone who wrote the paper..(?)





  1. Lauren couldn't have put it better! All it is-Common Sense!

    Look over past papers.

    It's usually really easy. It's just reading comprehensions, know about politics, know about the government and know about recycling, global warming etc

    = )

  2. CSPE is so easy!!!!

    I got an A with NO study at all last year!

    For the pictures,study the party leaders and ministers......

  3. They have CSPE past papers?? That's new to me! yeah i done mine 3 years ago.. spent five minutes ticking all the boxes, five minutes writing about litter, 10 minutes drawing a poster, and got an A! ha it's unreally simple...

  4. hey ! since the exam was made b4 de changes its gonna be the same people as 2007 2006 2005 and 2004

    so people liek berite ahern

    mary ahanery

    oh god ndo who else lol but the name always comes up and you only have to put it under the right person lol soo guess thats what i doen for de mocks and got them all right lol .... what ever name suits hte person goes under them haha

    im dreading muss and science :( nd history lol de irish histroy doesnt stay in my head !!!! but i passed h tem in de mocks soo hopefully will go de same way .. :D

  5. I got an A in my JC with that and I never opened the book once. It is dead easy! I remember they gave us a picture of the government cabinet with all the ministers in it and asked us how many women were in the picture!! I mean honestly!

  6. Oh come on! Even if you get all the pictures wrong you'll still get an A!

    We were told that the UN president person will come up. Northern Irish politics often come up. Maybe Gordon Brown, he's pretty new!! Also Clinton and Obama MAY come up. My teacher says that Bertie and co won't come up cause the exam people were probably guessing the change!

    Good luck!!

    How's the rest of them going for you?

  7. i teach CSPE and if you did a pretty good project which is worth 60% there is every chance of you getting an A, even you write very little on the actual paper. CSPE is very much based on your own views so how can there be right and wrong answers? You get marks by being able to backup your arguments.

  8. Your some r****d to be askin for predictions for cspe... im worrying just a little bit more about honours maths in the morning....

  9. mine is 2mo 2

    whatever comes up because da exam was make before Bertie stepped down, either the answer of who the minister is now or back in may and before  will be taken if u understand dat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    good luck!!!!!!

  10. CSPE is the easiest test going

    you have to try harder to fail it than to pass it

    i've never got under  B

    its just your opinion really they're asking

    and we already did that action project nd thats worth 60% so

  11. lol i dont think you understand the way the exams work....theyre pretty top secret

    and anyway, CSPE is the flippin easiest subject and my friends had races to see who could finish first

    I got a B with NO study

    Its common sis isnt studying for it and she'll do grand lol

    Try having leaving cert honours Irish on Monday,,...ick

    Id say the new taoiseachs face might be on there.depending on when the Papers were made

    Just know your definitions of "Stewardship" and stuff....then you can pretty much waffle the rest

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