
Junior schedule?

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Here is my schedule for next year:

1. US History H.

2. Pre-AP English

3. Physics H.

4. Calculus

5. Spanish Yr. 4 H. / Japanese Yr.2 H.

6. AP Statistics

7. AP Biology

8. AP Biology Lab

9. Gym

My only problem is language. I really enjoy Japanese, however I am in year 2 as a junior. I am Hispanic, so I already speak Spanish, but people say the fourth year looks really good for college. Another choice is to drop Calculus, but I'm uneasy about that. Any suggestions?




  1. wow sounds like a really hard year for you lol jk, im sure you can do it, thats alot of classes though, my school only has 7, but i think you should just take what makes you happy, colleges only require 2 yrs on language, 3rd yr is recommended. but dont drop calculus. calculus is very appealing on your transcript just to let you know. so just take japanese and drop spanish, your probably already really great in it anyways. haha maybe you could help me with mine, im taking ap spanish this year and its kinda hard.

  2. Hvae you thought of dropping AP Stats and doing both Japanes and Spanish?  I would definately stick with a 4th year of Spanish.  Physics will probably have more calculus in it so you need to keep calc.  So I would drop Statistics and save it for next year.

    BTW- does your school offer AP Calculus?  If it does you should take so you still have 3 ap classes.

  3. Hey. This is not really answering your question, but I can help you with AP Biology. I took the class last year and I have all the 12 AP Bio labs with answers. I also have study guide outlines for each unit and some past exams. If you are interested or have any questions, shoot me an email. My email is

  4. If you plan on doing AP Physics in the future, stay in Calculus.

  5. Don't drop Calculus.  You could look into dropping AP Stats though.  I don't think that helps much in college unless you plan on becoming a statistician or actuary or something that involves statistics.
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