
Junk fax messages, does anyone know the number you have to fax to stop junk faxes getting through?

by  |  earlier

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Junk fax messages, does anyone know the number you have to fax to stop junk faxes getting through?




  1. I'm interested in this aswell!!

    I got a fax that said if I wanted to be removed to go to Which I did. And paid £1 to be removed...and yet I still receive fax's...some of which still tell me to go on that sight!!!! Rip-off? I think so.

    I hate junk fax's.

    Sorry I didn't help :( !

  2. In the UK?

    Yes, it's a free service, see link

  3. Usually junk faxes, have a number at the bottom of the page fax them back asking them to take you off of their list!

    Its a nuisance I know, I work on reception for part of the day and the amount of junk faxes is ridiculous!!

    Gd Luck!

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