
Jupiter's moons are named after characters associated with him, Mars with Mars, Saturn with Saturn............

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But what are Uranus' moons named after?




  1. The moons of Uranus are named after characters from the plays of William Shakespeare and a poem by Alexander Pope.

  2. The names for Uranus' satellites were chosen from characters from the works of Shakespeare and Alexander Pope.

    Saturn's moons have different sources for their names.

    Herschel named Saturn's two innermost moons (Mimas and Enceladus) after the mythological Greek Giants, and the outer five after the Greek Titans (Titan, Iapetus) and Titanesses (Tethys, Dione, Rhea).

    Current IAU practice for newly discovered moons of Neptune it to name them after Greek sea gods.

    Before the formation of the IAU, the names of moons have had varying histories.  The choice of names is often determined by a satellite's discoverer, but some moons weren't given names for years after their discovery (e.g., Saturn's Titan was discovered by Huygens in 1655, but was not named until 1847).

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