
Jurassic Park - could it ever happen?

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What with the advances in DNA recovery, and cloning. Could we ever see a real life Jurassic Park?




  1. I would say that eventually, yes! It would not surprise me!

  2. Yes and no

    Probably not the way they did it in Jurassic Park.  We're probably never going to find DNA that old that's still complete enough to be usable.

    But we may be able to use a modern descendant of the dinosaurs, like a bird, and modify it to grow into something dinosaur-like, though not a true dinosaur.

  3. I read yesterday that they are going to clone the dog that was used to find bodies in the aftermath of the WTC disaster. Evidently cloning has progressed to a very advanced state. If you ever got some blood from a dinosaur, like they did in Jurassic park, from a mosquito that bit a dinosaur which was subsequently preserved in amber than I do not see why it wont be possible.

  4. I don't think so, from what I have read there is no way to get DNA from a fossil in a form that will permit cloning.

  5. They cloned a sheep didn't they whats to stop those wackos from scraping some marrow out of a dino bone and recreating juraasic park. Some times you need to leave well enough alone.

  6. No, it is really really unlikely, verging on impossible. It would be very unlikely that we would get a sample of DNA this old - most preserved mosquitos are from the wrong time period, mosquito stomachs would break down DNA so the dinosaur would have to be bitten immediately before, then the mosquito killed and preserved instantly, then you would have to have a way of telling the mosquito and dinosaur DNA apart... getting a direct sample is also unlikely as fossils are not preserved bits of dinosaur, they are just rock impressions of dinosaur, they don't have any DNA.

    Even if you could get the DNA, the chances of recreating a whole dinosaur would be millions and millions to one.

    Supposing you could recreate dinosaur DNA, you would be unlikely to be able to "grow" it without a dinosaur egg.

    And even if you could bring a dinosaur to the hatching stage, it would never survive - it would have no parents to teach it hunting skills, all it's natural prey would be dead and it would have no immunity to any of the modern bacteria that are all over our world. It would die as soon as it was exposed to the air.

    If you are really interested, there is a great book called The Science of Jurassic Park which explains lots of reasons why it would never work. It is a science book with a lot of information in it but it is set at a level that a non-scientist would understand.

    I am studying genetics at university and I enjoyed it.

  7. Due To Blood Taken From Mosquitto Stomachs They Find Traces Of DNA If They Can Clone A Sheep Why Not A Dinosaur

  8. yes if they keep on testing try to make a dino then yes but people are fighting against them saying that the should not mess with it because dinos left earth so we could live here with out going extinct.

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