
Jurors and jury duty?

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What is the process to become a juror, what are the requiremnets to be a juror, what are the respnsibilites of a juror, and and what are the duties of a juror withi the courtroom. Even if you can only answer one, its ok.




  1. When you register to vote you are eligible to be called for jury duty.  Generally what happens is you will be notified by mail that you are being called upon for jury duty. You will be required to fill out a short question-air and mail it back to the courts.  If you do not do this you can be held in contempt of court.  You will be instructed in this letter to call the court at a certain time the night before your assigned jury dates.  If your pool is selected you will arrive in court, often the are 100 possible jurors called at a time.  You will be assigned a number.  The clerk calls out a number that is drawn at random and if your number is called you have to be questioned my the lawyers and prosecution and judge.  If they decide you should be on the jury, you stay, or you may be excused.  If you are placed on the jury you receive instructions from the judge and hear testimony in a court case.  Once the case is closed you and the rest of the jury are given instructions, then you as a group try to come to a decision of guilty or not guilty of charges.

  2. Your city uses public records like tax registration whether it be car tag or property tax records to get jurors and they get summoned for jury duty.  The only requirement is u be at least 18.  When u go for jury duty, the judge introduces the case and the attorneys start the elimination process.  They randomly call about 12 names to go to the jury section in the court rm. They start asking questions to try to eliminate any juror they feel will hinder their client from winning or may not be mentally incompetent to decide on the case.  They even release people who have had family members in similar situations or friends.  They want people who can hear the case, and make a fair, sound decision about what ever the case may be about.  The lawyers just simply stand at the juror cage and ask u they may ask "Any of u ever been raped, or a friend or family member?  Well if u raise ur hand , then u prob will be dismissed bc if it is a rape case u'll be deciding upon then they know u will judge unfairly bc u've been in a sim situation...or know some1 who has.  It usually takes a whole day or even longer for them to go through every1 they summoned at the same time as u.  But , they soon will have 12 people on the stand they feel will hear both sides and make a decision based on the evidence & not from past experiences.  Both attorneys, the prosecutor and the defense get to argue to the judge y u should stay or go in order 4 u to be selected.  Its very interesting but takes a while...the good thing is u have to go & ur employer has to excuse u...and they pay u if u are chosen to be a juror.


  4. > process to become a juror

    You register to vote, or you get a drivers' license, or you register a vehicle.  You'll get a summons to appear at a courthouse.  You go when you're told.

    > requiremnets to be a juror

    Citizen of USA, 18+ years old, fair understanding of English.

    Not be a felon.

    > what are the duties of a juror withi the courtroom

    Listen to the evidence, make your decision based only on the evidence in the courtroom, the laws the judge will tell you about, and any other instructions the judge gives you.  Deliberate with your other jurors.
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