
Jury Duty... Do you get paid from your regular job?

by  |  earlier

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I have Jury duty in 2 weeks. Please help..




  1. They are required by law to pay you while you serve jury duty. They should give you a paper at jury duty to show that you were there.  

  2. The guy above is WRONG.  A company does NOT have to pay you for jury duty and most don't.  Some companies do.  Ask your HR department.

  3. Usually not...and that's why I, for one, don't think it's fair that they can force you into jury duty.  

  4. only if you take leave, if your job has some kind of union clause its possible.  The only requirement of your job is that they cannot fire you for it.

    on the bright side jury duty pays

    it's not enough to cover your gas though lol

    that's why nobody wants to do jury duty

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