
Jury Duty Summons, Been summoned and want to serve?

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I've been summoned to Jury Duty starting on Monday, I'm in Missouri and I've been thinking about it & at first I was trying to figure out a way out of it. However in thinking about it all my favorite TV shows are law & court shows & this would be the real thing & I think it would be interesting and a great opportunity.

What is the criteria they use in selecting a jury?

What questions are they going to ask?

How can I answer and what can I do in order to be chosen to serve?




  1. Most likely you will not get selected, because most people just don't.

    But if you look too eager to serve the defense may dismiss you.  Just go with the flow and learn from what happens.

  2. It depends on what kind of case it is.  For instance, if it is a pedophile case they will ask you if you have ever been abused. If you have, more than likely you won't be picked.  That's just an example but I've been called 4 times and that's the way it goes.  They usually  call a whole lot of people at once and only a few even get questioned at random.

  3. It is all a c**p shoot and the criteria for selection depends upon the case, the victims and the defendants.

    Make sure you bring a book or something to knit...

  4. Don't worry they aren't going to ask you questions you can not answer.

    If it's a murder trial they may ask if you believe in the death penalty.

    They may ask you if you or a relative has been victim to a certain kind of crime.

    As stated here before just answer honestly,

    And thoughtfully.

    You are being a good citizen.

    The Prosecuting attorney will ask questions as will the defense attorney and the judge, any one of them can throw you out of the box if the other two choose you

  5. Go ahead and report. I'm certain the summons you received gave you instructions on when and where to report. After you have reported, filled out a questionnaire, etc., a judge will come in and swear in all the prospective jurors. You then wait until your name is called, along with several other prospective jurors, and report to a case that is about to get underway. The counsels for each side of the case will review all the prospective jurors and try to screen out the ones they don't want. If you want to guarantee that you'll be chosen to serve, say as little as possible.

  6. Lawyers have a myriad of reasons for the questions they ask. Anyway, it is immaterial to the prospective jury member. Just answer the questions truthfully.

  7. Gangrel tahts all

  8. I think they must be looking for a certain age group.  I got summoned twice in my early and mid twenties, and just wasted my time.  But it sure seemed like a lot of 30-60 year old folks were serving.

  9. I do not know what questions they are going to ask you.  All  I can tell you is to answer the questions as honestly as possible.  More than likely you will be chosen if you are honest and you do not pretend to be something that you are not.

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