
Jury Duty: What is it?

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What is jury duty?

What happens when you get to court?




  1. you sit in a room all day till they call you into the court room and most likely based on looks the put you in the jury booth 1 out of 14. if you are not picked then you go back to the big room until they call you again. the cycle goes on until. like 4:30 p.m then you go home.

    Oh yeah they give a little bit of money for lunch in Maryland it's 15 bucks. Hope this helps

  2. it's your civic duty; because all trials have to have an impartial jury, it's made up of randomly selected citizens, you listen to the case, and then leave the courtroom to vote, then return to give the judge your ruling.

  3. Jury duty is performing and maintaining justice if they r really fair...i've never went to a court and would like not to go or any body on earth.....i only see courts in movies.
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