
Jury Question?

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How is the alternated juror determined in criminal cases in Michigan. Currently we are about to deleberiate and theres 13 jurors, he sent one home already before the trial started and I want to know how the judge will send the other one home




  1. Typically, the alternate jurors are the last ones who were selected for the panel of jurors.  When the parties are finished presenting their evidence and argument, the case is turned over to the jury for deliberation.  The alternate jurors sit in on the deliberations, listening only and not speaking or voting.  If during deliberations one of the voting jurors is excused for some reason, the jury is instructed to begin deliberations again, with the alternate now participating.

    The alternates are not sent home until there is a verdict.

  2. Randomly.

  3. you are in a jury, and have access to the web?

    Well, I hope you understand that a jury has the RIGHT to not only interpret the facts, but also interpret and judge on the law itself.  Your judge may (and probably will) tell you otherwise, but it is not true.  Furthermore, it is against the law for an officer of the court to inform you of this right.  

    Ask him, "is it against the law for you to inform us (the jury) that we have the right to judge whether the law in this case is just or not?"


    Unbelievable.  I got two thumbs down for telling you something most people don't know.  Look it up, and you will see I am telling you the truth.  It is commonly called "jury nulification."
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