
Jury Service?

by  |  earlier

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I wanted to know how I can get rid off the jury service?... I know that I have to go, but if I say something like I'm a full time student.. Will they let me go?.. I really don't want to be there and etc.. So how can I know that I'm dismissed and all..

If I called them would they let me go, or do I have to be there in a day or wat?..




  1. There are legal exceptions.

    A lot of courts have online access and you can check to see what is listed to see if you are eligible under those conditions.


    jury service is a part of american life. You should do it at least once.

  2. Accept your responsibilities as a citizen and serve.  You will find it to be an interesting experience.

  3. You sound like a whiny little wanger...

    All you have to do to not get called is NOT VOTE!!!

    Once you BEHAVE like a citizen of this country by voting; IT IS ASSUMED that you wish to participate in DEMOCRACY... In fact, there is no higher calling for a citizen than being a part of our JUDICIAL  SYSTEM...If you want to give this right up there are a lot of people that are against  your participation ie the far-right... They believe that only the wealthy should choose...

    Otherwise, yeah all you gotta do is "pretend" you're racist, sexist, or just show your TRUE COLORS!!! You"ll get out of being a member of your peers (ie citizen)

  4. You have to go, but you can ask to get it postponed until one of your vacation times since you are a student. In many places you only have to go in for one day and then they call you if your name comes up. Here's a hint: they are not crazy about the idea of students actually serving on juries. They just need warm bodies there in case they go through a lot of potential jurors in a big case. You can take books and do a lot of reading and studying there if you want to get it over with. Otherwise call them and ask for the postponement,

  5. Do your duty + you might learn something about the judicial system.  And you will have plenty of down time to study. Anybody can get out of jury duty, so be unique and do it!

  6. Make them think you are biased or racist.  Most times you go in and get a briefing and then nothing ever comes from it.
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