
Jury duty and having a college class scheduled at the same time?

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how do I make this work, please help :)




  1. if it is a math class who cares.. but if it is anything else i would not miss that class..

  2. On your reply form, you can postpone serving one time, but I don't think that you can get away  from serving without a valid reason (listed on the form that the court send you economic hardship, caring for a disabled / dependent person etc.).

  3. Notify the courthouse as soon as you can about the conflict.  I don't think that will disqualify you, but they'll know better than me!  

    If college is not an excuse, tell your prof and explain it to him/her.  He/she will at least be sympathetic.

  4. You can do either one of two things. Ask the court to have jury duty rescheduled.. Speak to the professor about excusing the class and doing make up work. The court should take precedence as necessary.

  5. Depends of how much the judge wants to be a procedural nightmare... He may buy the arguement that its too much of a hardship to miss the class.

  6. Read the back of the jury notice. It should say how to get your jury duty postponed for a later date.

  7. I got out of jury duty once because I was breast feeding my son. Guess the Judge didn't think it would be a good idea to do that in the courtroom. You could tell them that you are breastfeeding.

  8. If you are in the UK and you have not received special  dispensation from service, you are obliged to attend as a juror.

    That you would be missing a college class would be of no consequence whatsoever, any more than you might potentially be missing work.

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