
Jury duty for greencard holders?

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do people with greencards need to serve for jury duty? just got a notice from NJ that i need to serve, but i have a greencard, do i need to call them or just checking off the not a citizen box is enough?




  1. Did you sign a voter registration card at DMV or elsewhere?  Voter rolls are the source of most jury duty subpoenas.  If you filed a voter registration card, you committed a felony, so get that cancelled urgently and do not make any attempt to vote -- you do not have the legal right.

    As for jury duty, return the form with the box "Not a citizen" checked.  If you do not find such a box, call the Clerk of the Court (the number should be on the jury notice) and explain that you are not a US citizen and cannot serve.

  2. Check off the box your not a citizen,,cause your a permanent resident...I don't know how your name got on there in the first my state...(Washington) the names are from voter registration

  3. Have to be a citizen so just check the box

  4. I would think that just checking off the "not a citizen" box would exclude you from jury selection.  BUT please don't take my word for it!

    In the summons you received there should be a telephone number to call to get the answers to your questions.  This is the way to go.  You will get a valid answer to your question, and instructions on how to proceed.

    Although most of the people here are partially correct (some of the people selected for jury duty do come from voter registrations) ... there are other sources of names the court can use.  In New York they use lists complied from voter registration, vehicle registration and licenses, property tax rolls, and public assistance rolls.  Not everybody on the list is eligible for jury duty, and some have valid reasons to be excluded (chronic illness, no transportation, family obligations, etc)  That is why they send out questionnaires and have a phone number to call with questions!

  5. NO

  6. I never filled out a voter registration card. I am a Canadian on an H-1B. However, I think I got put on the list for jury duty just because I got a California drivers license. I always just check off the "not a citizen" box and I have never had any difficulty. I get these about once a year  because they never seem to update their records.

  7. Green card holders cannot serve on juries.

    When you went for your drivers license, did you register to vote? The voting rolls is a typical source of names for jury duty calls.

    Checking the "not a citizen" box should be sufficient to relieve you of any obligation to serve on a jury.

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