
Jury duty question, have served recently and asked to serve again.?

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I finished serving a 3 week Federal Jury duty 1 month ago. I just got selected again for county jury duty, a whopping 1 month later. I feel I've served my country for now and others should be used, can I get out?




  1. I believe once you serve you get a paper verifying your service which you can use for a legal reason not to serve

    again for another 1- 3 years.

  2. Generally they can not ask for Jury service within 1 year of serving on a jury.  Call them up, I am sure they will take you off.  I have been on 3 Juries.

  3. Let the judge know that because you just recently finished a Federal case, you would have a hard time making a decision with another case so close, regardless of the crime.

    He might excuse you.

  4. Inform the court that you already served jury duty and request to get out so that others might take their turn to serve the country if possible.

  5. Tell the judge your situation. He's a human being and he might give you a break.  

    You did your duty.  Most people don't even respond to jury summons.

  6. Just explain your situation to the county folks.   After a 3 week commitment another commitment would cause a hardship for you.  Odds are they will excuse you.  Document your case and send it in in writing.   My son was called for jury duty and and his Military obligation interfered.  He called them and some dufus told him he still had to show up.  He composed them a real nice letter explaining his situatiuon and that if they could arrange things with his superiors he'd be happy to comply.   He got a note back saying that whomever he talked to on the phone was seriously mistaken.

  7. I would call the county court and ask. All they can say is no, that does not mean you will be selected to serve on a jury.

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