
Jury nullification?

by Guest63201  |  earlier

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should the jury system be abolished?

would the system be better or more just was jury trials to be replaced by bench trials?




  1. No, if we get back to common law ,which is the law of the land the Constitution is common law not statuary law or private law!

    Then when a person is  on a jury not only do they judge if a person is guilty, they judge if the law is fair and lawful to the constitution!

  2. No.  The jury system makes the parties responsible to their community from whom the jury is selected.  In every case, there is a loser.  If they lose to a judge's decision, they will often think conspiracy.  When a jury decides their fate, they may think the jurors were stupid or just wrong, but not corrupt.  The jury system is a very stabilizing influence in the relationship between the people and the power of government.

  3. Probably, I've thought of that. It would be a lot easier that way.

  4. While many may find serving on a jury a nuisance, it is the best method we have found for asuring justice.  Why do you think, when cops are put on trial, they almost invariably try to avoid a jury trial?  Because they know it is the most likely to judge on the basis of justice, which sure as shootin' they don't want.

  5. The biggest problems with the US justice system - I assume you're US, are that it has become an entertainment arena with the judges as 'hosts' and the lawyers as 'stars' with witnesses and accused as supporting actors, and corruption.

    Corruption is institutionalised in almost every aspect of US life from the political system being based on who can woo the biggest number of votes, but who can woo the biggest bribes and thus advertising/media coverage which determines the votes.

    I believe most jurors would be outside the corrupt levels and thus would be more just than judges or Justices.  Just think about the way the main preoccupation of the Republican Party, when in power, is to elect the highest possible number of 'owned' judges to the Supreme Court - or whatever its called.  They can be relied upon to bring down the most bizarre decisions in cases involving members of the plutocracy.

  6. I like the jury system.

    Nothing better than having the ability to say not guilty if you personally disagree with the law.
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