
Jury servis?

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here we go again muslim juror takes the micky out of british law by listening to music while on jury servis and nothing happensIt makes you sick how we kow tow to these people.




  1. not all are same cronies.  

    watch film "  untouchables"   kevin costner, sean connery, actor - garcia

    at the climax   you will get some idea's about jury.  

    be happy in my homeland  consiprater of some major offence is =  chief justice.\

    authorites by country  ceo it means =  jury  & court  is one omnipotence

    i hope got my code word.

  2. This is what we have come to  Moody/Glen The very reason why the French still have a car industry and we dont

  3. Was it that nothin was done to this Muslim juror? I thought she had been kicked off the jury by the Judge? I might be wrong though. She should have had at least a night in prison for contempt of court.

  4. You need evidence for a conviction and being a Muslim on its own is not enough.

  5. exactly. but as usual nothing will be done and us good british people will sit back and let it carry on. as much as i like to take the micky out of the french, i actually admire them for the way they protest when they don't agree with what is being done in their country. sad to say, but we could learn a thing or two from them frogs! (thats a joke by the way people - and anybody who can't take it as a joke is creating more of a racism problem than they need to)

  6. What gives? I thought this had been settled weeks ago ! ! !

  7. I firmly believe in the principle of presumed innocent until proven guilty, I also do not think it right that people should be put before the courts with all the upset unless there is a realistic prospect of a conviction. However, whilst not necessarily agreeing with the way you have put the Q there is some suspicion that the CPS decision not to prosecute had the appearance of political correctness and expediency. Like you we have only the press reports to go on but on the alleged facts, such as we can ascertain: The juror herself said she was wearing head phones because it was difficult to keep plugging them in and then removing them because of her restrictive head wear. The juror had been warned about her conduct previously. The judge and or fellow jurors said they heard the distinctive 'tinny' sound you get of music being played. So in deciding not to even prosecute what were the CPS saying about the reliability of the fellow judge and jurors  - is it that they could not be believed ? Now that poses another problem for the trial and the guilty verdict subsequently given by the remaining jurors .. reasons for a mis trial ?

  8. In this case, there was circumstantial evidence that a juror was listening to an MP3 player.  However, the juror has explained her side of the incident quite fully.  Furthermore, the Attorney General's office has considered that there wasn't enough reliable evidence to go for a prosecution.

    Neither you nor I were in the court, so we can't know whether she was listening or not.  

    Bearing this in mind, it's strange that you would prefer to believe that she was guilty, rather than believe that someone at the other end of the jury box could have been mistaken.

  9. Hi,

    i wonder what would of happened if it was a British person who had done that, would they have been repremanded?

  10. Haven't heard about that but it sounds terrible.

  11. well thats what political correctness means mate

  12. After reading your post, the British legal system is probably lucky to have a music-listening "muslim" juror....if the only other option is someone like you. If you don't know the correct spelling of "service", or the basic rules of punc., then god help whoever you try to pass sentence on---how could you possibly read the jury instructions accurately? JI's are complicated reading for the average human.

    It's not an ethnic thing. Across the pond here, I've seen jurors fall asleep and then be elected foreman by the rest of the jury. It's the fact that most people simply have no interest in serving their country in this way, and they don't understand how important it is.

  13. Firstly, it is Service, not Servis, they make washing machines.

    When I did Jury service in a murder trial it was made very clear what we had to do, we were warned that we could face three months in prison if we took a mobile phone into court, any behaviour that the judge deemed to be contempt of court could land us in the cells.  Not only was it an offence to take an MP3 player into court, but also it was very rude, to the fellow jurors, the court, the defendant and society in general.  

    Anyone who is registered to vote in Britain can be required to do jury service and you need to have a very good reason to obtain a deferment.  

    If the woman in question was in the dock herself she would expect to be given a proper trial where the people who were going to decide her fate gave proper attention to her case, for this reason she should not have been let off.
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