
Jus because an indian person is fair skinned doesnt mean he/she has middle eastern or white ancestors ?

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why is it that people cant understand that indian people or other south asians can b fair jus because they r fair skinned it doesnt mean they hav white or middle eastern in them middle eastern and white people may be related 2 each other but they r not related 2 south asian except the western parts of india well not the whole western parts of india




  1. You have to get over your complexes. I am Pakistani, some of us are light skinned, some are dark, who cares? A person is judged by their character.

  2. Technically we are all related and inbred...

  3. What are you asking?  Some punctuation might make what you are trying to say clearer.

    This is genealogy and we research the dead here.

    Do you have a question about your ancestors?

  4. India was invaded by Aryans. North Indians are mixed White and Dravidian.  So it is because of White ancestors.

  5. I think what you are trying to say is that all indian people do not look  the same and this is so true for all races. Some aboriginal west australians are born with blond hair and this is true to their race, not because of  the Dutch invasion 2 centuries ago.

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