
Just Another Question. Ok, so what is the whole thing about some guy that predicted the world to

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Ok, so what is the whole thing about some guy that predicted the world to end in 2014 or some BS like that and he suppousedly predicted 9/11 to happen before it happened?




  1. Google/youtube: "The Lost Book of Nostradamus"

  2. I do believe it's 2012.

    It's a pretty common conspiracy theory anymore.  

    Multiple "oracles" have predicted the world ending around that time . . . a computer program that predicted 9/11 along with other things predicted that date . . . and the Mayan calendar ends on Dec. 21st, 2012.   Leading many people to believe that that is the "end of the world."

    Am I saying it's not?  No.  But I have my doubts. hah.

  3. It wasn't Osama, was it?

  4. Your question is kind of vague. If you are referring to: Nostrodamus; the interpretations are I believe, very faulty because Nostrodamus wrote in what are called quatrains, in a very confusing language, so I don't know how anyone could give a definite interpretation of what he wrote. If you are referring to the Mayan interpretations it is proposed that their calendar ends; I've heard several dates, 2012-2015, but I can't believe in anything from this info that would rock my world; because Jesus said, No man nor He could say the time of His return or the time of Father's judgment. (earth's destruction)

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