
Just Got A Basenji (5 Months)?

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ok so i just got a basenji puppy thats only 5 months old, its a girl and shes been neutered, shes trained and shes a nice dog, is there anything i need to know about basenji's? like perhaps what they like/dislike or prefer or what climate they live in, if its too cold or hot? and any additional information.




  1. Congrats on getting such an awesome little character. I have 2 basenjis - a female who we bred from and one of her sons.

    As you've probably noticed by now, Basenjis are not like other dogs.  Although the pup (now a year old) likes to play and fetch, many basenjis consider themselves above that.  Don't be surprised or offended if your little girl just doesn't want to play.

    Have you been graced by a yodel from your girl yet? You will no doubt know that basenjis can't bark but instead yodel their vocalisations.  It is one of my favourite sounds.

    Basenjis can seem quite aloof and be independent.  My little girl for example HATES to be fussed over when visitors come over.  She likes to make the first move for a pat or sniff.  The little boy likes to meet new people but once he has had enough petting will growl his disapproval.  In saying all this, both love cuddles and pats and massages!

    Both love exercise which is good because apparently they can tend to be lazy and get fat. I find this hard to believe as mine are very active.

    Basenjis don't need to be washed as they are like cats and will actually bath themselves.  They are apparently good for people with allergies as their hair is fine and they don't lose a *lot* of fur.

    If you can, buy a book on basenjis - you don't need to pay a lot of money. I got ours second hand on ebay. They don't come up too often but keep an eye out nonetheless.

    A final word of warning - basenjis are hunters.  They originate in Africa where they apparently used to take down buffalos (!).  If you have other pets such as birds, never EVER trust them alone.  My girl's daughter who went to the stud dog's owner actually ate an electrical cord attached to the computer.  It was a wonder she didn't electrocute herself or short out the house!

    Basenjis LOVE to be warm (remember the Africa origin) and don't be alarmed if you find them lying out in the full sun on a hot summer's day.   In retrospect, they hate rain and getting their precious feet wet. Don't be surprised if your little girl refuses to go out in the rain to go to the loo.

    Enjoy your fabulous little dog. We have people stop us whereever we go to comment on their gorgeous dingo faces and curly tails!

  2. Mate this Question should be in the pets section not the travel section. I've never even heard of that breed of pooch. Just googled it and there pretty cute so check out this site it might help

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