
Just Got Rid Of A Virus Need Help A.s.A.p.?

by  |  earlier

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ok here is what i need i just got rid of all this bull that got into my computer a virus and whats it did was block out some of my programs like on the start menu some things are gone but i got them back what i did not get back to normal was on the side of my clock it says "VIRUS ALERT" i cleaned out the virus and i know for a fact there is no virus and also my clock is set to 24hrs and my biggest problem is when i click on My Computer i cant go to my hard drive you know like the C drive or what ever it's called some reason it's not showing i think in the registry were things have been blocked by the virus and i dont know all them codes and i want to defrag my pc but can cuz C drive is blocked so any help i wud love thanx to you all....




  1. Download and run Avast antivirus.

  2. Please run this

  3. Hi

    You can check out these links:

  4. I think the virus altered some of your registry keys. Just simply download Spybot (it is free) and scan for it will repair the registry errors.  

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