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Ok So I Am Fourteen Years Old And I Am So In Love With This Guy We Have Been Dating For Almost Two Years Now, We Have Known Each Other For Bout 6 Years Now, Well The Other Night He Asked Me To Marry Him, And He Got Me a Engagement Ring.. We Are Gonna Wait Till We Both Finish High school Before We Get Married, Any ways, Is This To Young To Be Engaged ?

Please Tell Me!

<b>Much Love</b>-Michaela ♥




  1. You guys will probably hate each other next week.

  2. Yes, sweetie your only fourteen.

    I understand that you love him and you have known him for a while now, but you guys are to young. If your truly in love then you will realize that you do not have to be engaged at this moment. I say you should wait a while and just enjoy each others company for the time being. When the time is right you will know it because there will be no questioning it. However i dont see a problem with you wearing the ring but just on your right hand.

  3. I think so.  If you&#039;ve been dating so long you need to have more experiences before you get married.  Take a break... get to know some more guys before you make a lifelong decision.

  4. Yes this is way to young. I know as I dated my first boyfriend from 14 years old til we split when we were 33. There are life experiences that you will learn from dating and experiencing life as a young adult that is not married.. Take your time growing up and experience life befor you commit to someone.

  5. Yes you are way to young.  Wait till you hit high school and it&#039;s all going to change.

  6. YES!! I&#039;m sorry honey, but you still have a lot of maturing to do before you are ready for that kind of commitment. You just became a teenager. This is the last thing you need to be thinking of right now. I&#039;ve been where you are and was the same age. I&#039;m now 27 and did not marry the guy and am so glad that I didn&#039;t. When I was ready for marriage (age 21), I was ready. You change so much between your age now and 18. What do your parents have to say about this? They are your covering. Listen to them. They probably have more wisdom than you think. You could also call Dr. Laura for more advice.  

  7. Yes! Way too young! What&#039;s the rush? Just stay together and wait until you finish high school to get engaged to see if things work out.

  8. Yes..  

  9. hi! i just wanted to say i think it is to you i just got married this pass july an i am very happy that i did but it is so much that comes along with marriage an you are young if i were you i would wait on being engaged an marriage because there is so much to do in life also sometimes we think were in love but most of the time it&#039;s lust because one day as you get older you will fall in love with someone else an you will say i thought i was in love with that guy but this guy i&#039;m really in love with.out of all the guys i&#039;ve dated i loved atleast one but when i first met my husband i mean the first day i was like wow i feel like i could be with him for the rest of my life an 5yrs later where married never once did i feel like this.i just hope an pray you do the right thing

  10. girl, RUN don&#039;t walk away from this guy!  where did he get a engagement ring from? A crackerjack box?   your life will change so much from now until you&#039;re 21.  You probably won&#039;t even know(or wish you didn&#039;t know him) by then.  take care of you and your life right now.  Get to know yourself  and make your life the best you can. then get married.  

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