
Just Stops Calling???

by  |  earlier

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Ok. This guy (my neighbor) and I have been hanging out for awhile. For the first 2 1/2 weeks everything was cool. We held hands, kissed, talked for hours every night, he called me beautiful ext. and we hung out alot. He introduced me to his friends, and his friends seemed to like me. we hung out twice for couple hours. (So I don't think that could have been the problem.) we did something together after his friends also.The last time we talked he called me and was all nice and saying i'll talk to you later. But Now, he hasn't called for 11 days. And i don't understand how we can go from hanging out and talking all the time to not even talking anymore. He would say i could call him whenever, but i am not big on that because i feel like i might be bothering him when he is out with friends and stuff. I thought we could atleast be friends, and i told him that too. What do you think? Its kind of hard to get over this because he is my neighbor, so I see him outside. And i don't understand why he would do this. Just quit calling when he knows that I wanted him to be straight forward and honest with me if something was bothering him. My last bf that i had quit calling also. I think to scared to actually tell me what he thinks too. But this was different, we were friends. But what should i do? Let him get away with never having to talk to me and tell me what went wrong?




  1. Maybe he met someone else and he is too chicken to tell you.  Next time you see him, ask you if you did or said anything wrong.  Dont' try to contact him or anything, but if and when you happen to see him around, that's when you could ask him.  If he continues to act shady, then just let him be and I'm sure he'll come around and you guys can be friends again in the future.

  2. call him. if he ignores you. tell him to grow a pair and just break up with you.

    on the other hand, he may not want to seem to clingy or needy and really is waiting for you to call him.

    either way you're going to have to call him.

  3. i'm kind of in the same situation. i have been seeing tis girl for 6 months. Then out of the blue shes went cold shoulder on me. She was into me so much and pushing for this relationship and then said I think we met at the wrong time in her life. I wpuld confront him and ask him straight up whats going on and if he cant tell you tell him u need to move on with your life and to call u when he grow up.

  4. Maybe he could be thinking the same way as you are. Call him at least you will know and be out of your misery.

  5. Ask him what's up.  Since you see him outside, it should be easy to approach him.  

    Maybe he is waiting for you to make a move, maybe he doesn't want to talk to you.  He would be able to tell you what his motivation is.  

  6. He may have been in another relationship with maybe his real gf and this could have made him think twice.

  7. Txt him... then just leave it alone. Don't chase after him. He may want that..... it a game of who can out last the other, he knows that sooner or later that you will give in and that he will have the power over your emotions. Also it couldn't hurt if you made a new friend. Don't have to be over the guy but just have him around when the friend can see that your not holding your breath for him to call.
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