
Just TWO quick 2012 questions.?

by  |  earlier

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Somethings I just wanted to look into.

The table of lunar eclipses on the nasa site ends in that year.

What does that mean?

Venus is suppose to be near or behind the sun or something and a major earthquake will happen.

Is that true?




  1. Nothing will happen.  Stay in school.  Don't spend your savings.  Don't quit you job.  Don't dump you spouse.  

    None of what you stated is meaningful.

  2. I think they wre just giving a projection folks.  It's not like they had someone working on the calendar equivelent to Pi(never ending).  They probably figured, well hey we're covered for a while I'll do the rest if/when we get there.

  3. IDK.

    The Mayan calender also ends in 2012.  Dec 22, 2012.


    I would not max out my credit cards just yet.

  4. Okay, I give up!!! I have seen this question a zillion times on YA. Since everyone wants to be convinced the world is going to end in 2012, well you're  right. To deny this is just buying into a vast government cover up. The truth is the Earth will go flying out of it's orbit and we're all going to die. Is everyone happy now?

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