
Just a coincidence?

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Let's say someone said something, and it reminded you of something that was said on a TV show that you watch. Your head instantly goes through that whole scene so that you can hear the TV show character's voice saying the phrase that you thought of. You think on it for only a few seconds, and then your mind switches to something else to think about.

The next day, or even that same day, that TV show comes on just as it always does, and as you watch, you get a sinking feeling in your stomach and you realize that this is the EXACT episode that you thought of just hours (or a day) ago!

This happens to me on a daily basis. We don't have TiVo (sp?) or anything so I can't see what episodes come on ahead of time. Could I possibly have psychic abilities or is this just a coincidence?




  1. Psi told us about a book called "Beyond Coincidence". Maybe you should read it. I'll  try to find the link for you.(Psi taught me how to do this! ..Else..I'm a "copy cat"!)

  2. hey! this happens to me all the time!!! i donno wat its called or anything.....but u give me hope that i'm not nuts....thnx.....

  3. sychronicity

  4. Stuff like that happens to me to, sometimes with TV shows and sometimes with songs. A couple of weeks ago, I woke up and heard this song in my head that I don't usually think of..and when I went shopping that day I came across this new age book in a store that sort of appealed to me. And just as I started considering buying it, that same song I thought of that morning came on in the store.  It was pretty surreal.

    I think we all have some psychic abilities, it's just a matter of developing them more. I'm not sure that your abilities are to solely indicate what's going to be on TV the next day, but I think coincidences like this come up as a way for our higher consciousness (God, the universe, etc) to alert our attention to something. Maybe you can try to see what's being reflected in that certain song or TV show and see if there's any message in it for you.

  5. I don't believe in coincidences. Stuff like this happens to me all the time. ;)

  6. Matt has it right, its called deja vu. It's such an interesting phenomenon because you can't really convince yourself that you haven't seen it before. I wouldn't look much further into it, you could spend you're time with more important things.

  7. It is called confirmation bias. You remember when this happens and you forget or don't notice when it doesn't, So it seems to you it is always happening.

  8. i think maybe the tv network is reading your mind, so the episodes they choose to broadcast are just for you. because you're so d**n special :)

  9. wow...I am glad to hear I'm not alone on this!  These kind of things happen often to me, along with not quite "normal" stuff.  Don't ever let anyone tell you it's not possible....People set there own limitations in there minds.  If you think anything is possible, it is.

  10. I've had this happen to me also. It's kinda freaky. But I think it's just coincidence. We don't notice how many times we think of things like shows, songs, people and then nothing happens.

    Maybe you could start keeping a list. Every time a show or song or whatever pops in your head write it down. Then over time see how many actually relate to something. I'll bet the percentage will be low. Or you could be bold and make predictions. Tell your friends that Stairway to Heaven will play on the radio in the next 15 minutes....or whatever. This will let others judge your psychic abilities.

  11. you are probably psychic. my mother is a local psychic and the same thing will happen to her. look up more info on it though to be sure.

  12. You are weird.  If this keeps happening see a dr.

  13. We all have ability and you're developing yours.

    That kind of stuff hppens to me all the time........

  14. whatever you do dont let anybody tell you its impossible to have psychic abilities the only ones who believe that only believe it because they are narrow minded and feel safe thinking in a 1 dementional way

    so yes it could very well be possible

    and if you are psychic can i get a free reading lol

    EDIT:no seriously.....can i get a free reading

  15. Yes.....this happens...I just asked a question about people who think of things and get them...allot of people do this....

    So another question comes up Do you Create your Own World? Literaly...---and how do you get away from it---

    I tried this out because it was happening so much to me...

    I wanted some $$ to GIVE (not has to be not selfish...) everytime I brought up that feeling in me with my mind...I get the $$$ GIVEN to me..

    I even got $4000 one time

    Another cool time that shows its no I found a $20 bill on the side of the road...TWICE in two weeks...

    lots of things like this happen ...

    I could win the lottery if I really wanted to ....but something inside wont let me  think that way

    I ve become afraid of this phenomena...because bad stuff has happened tooo....

    So I stick to what the bible says because I know its safe:

    "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things"

    To all who have this knowledge..... remember use the power for GOOD....

    Im carfule what I think now because:

    Its blown up my DHs TV a couple of times on the same days I really wanted the tvs to go away...LLOL...just cost us more money he has bought 2 new ones (not cheap ones either).... :)   psychic fights LOL

    Its not that I dont notice other bad or good things that happen...just its really ummm psychic synchronicity...yeahh thats it.

  16. You are probably pyshicic.  I mean, things like that don't constantley happen to me.  I have never had flashes of the future come to my mind like you have.  The only other possible theory maybe that you are feeling the deja vu effect kick in.  This is common for many people, including myself.

  17. This happens to me all of the time. Constantly. I do not know if it is anything more than just someone giving you hints that you are indeed able to pick up messages. I would try to expand more on this with more relevant things. Do just a little bit at a time. You can always ask them to step back if you are getting more information than you can handle.

  18. You definitely have psychic abilities.  This has happened to me, but only a few times.  (I'm jealous).  You've had too many coincidences - I'd call it 'synchronicity', which is hard to explain in a nutshell, but a fascinating subject.  It's sort of when things happen as if they are a coincidence, but some believe there is no such thing as a coincidence and the fact that things are 'synchronistically' happening to you means the universe (or your subconscious through the universe) has a message for you.  Were the words on TV significant to you?  Do they mean something if you think about it?  Try and see if there's a pattern or theme to see what the universe is trying to direct your attention to.  Other ways to tell if you're psychic is if the phone rings and you know who it's going to be; you think of someone out of the blue, then see or hear from them; you can find lost things easily; you have very vivid real dreams that leave an impression on you long after you've awoken.

  19. Yeah, I've had that happen a lot. Near total recall and precognition.

    Once or twice is a coincidence. More than that then it is unlikely it is.

  20. i call it deja vu, the feeling youve been here before, or experienced the same set of circumstances before

  21. In all probability a coincidence, but contact the Psychology department of you local university and ask if anybody is involved doing research on this particularly unusual attribute and volunteer to become a test subject.

    Nobody will think you are silly.
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