
Just a couple of questions, 38 weeks today!?

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I know there are a lot of people probably asking the same question, but here it goes.

I'm 38 weeks today with my first and for the last I'd say 2-3 weeks I've been having pains in my pelvic area, sometimes it feels like cramping and other times it is almost unbearable.. my fiance and I have been going on long walks daily but it gets worse as I walk, sometimes making me have to stop and take a break. Since it is my first I'm not really sure whats going on.. I had my last appointment with my doctor on Monday and the baby is defiantly low and head down and I know that has something to do with the pain having so much pressure there, but its almost getting ridiculous! Could it be contractions? ... I can't even try to time them because they last sooo long and aren't regular at all:S Just curious!! :) Wish she would just come already!




  1. Sounds like your pretty close I'm 39 weeks and yes its definitely is contractions. Its almost like period cramps and sometimes worsens and definitely when walking, and sometimes when my baby moves or kicks it worsens to. If your baby has dropped and your having contractions im saying you dotn have to much longer to go, but you never no.

  2. it is probably early labor pains. a lot of women experience them, which could be slightly productive or not, at the end of the pregnancy for around a week or so before delivery. some women don't experience them, but it is just everything, your body and baby, getting ready for delivery! congratulations and keep walking...and sexin. lol

  3. I am 36 weeks and 4 days and Ive been having the same problem. I get really bad cramps as well and they last maybe 30 minutes from being very light to strong cramps and then back to light. It is probably braxton hicks contractions. If they last all day and NEVER go away go see your doctor.  

  4. I had alot of pelvic pain at around the same time and it ended up being the pubic bones moving to get ready to deliver- the relaxin hormone kicks in and its just painful.  If you get some bearing down feeling or pains that have you in a bend over pain but not consistent it could be Braxton Hicks... I had these throughout my entire second pregnancy.  Definitely call the doctor if you are worried, they can put you on a monitor to be sure whether they are or are not contractions.

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