
Just a couple of questions!!!?

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Just curious how everyone feels. It took 2 1/2 years for my husband and I to conceive. 2 1i/2 long frustrating years.

While I know people make mistakes, it irks me to see "I'm 13 and pregnant" "I'm 16 and think I'm pregnant" "I'm 17 and pregnant for the 3rd time".

And then to see "I'm thinking of abortion, wanted to see what all of you ladies 'expecting' think about it". I am very Pro-Life, and not just because of my religious background.

So my questions are:

1) Are you Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?

2) Does it bother you at all about "teenage pregnancy"?

I know neither is going to go away, but I can still have my opinion about it!!!




  1. There will always be 2 sides and no side will ever win.

  2. 1.

    I honestly don't know what I am.

    There are circumstances where I'm more pro-choice than others.

    i.e. rape and/or incest victims, victims of violence and abuse, etc.

    So if a 13 year old gets pregnant by her brother or from random rape... yeah, I side with the 13 year old girl.  It's not like i'm going to argue that a rape/incest victim should feel forced to bare the kid (with possible mental/physical handicaps if it's incest) of a rapist/incestor.

    I don't believe in using abortion as a form of convenient birth control, so in that way I'm pro-life?

    For sure those people who are not careful with the typical forms of birth control.. if they have the means and the ability to take care of a child.. yeah in that way I'm pro-life.




    I'm a 23 year old virgin.

    It AMAZES me how teenagers can just conveniently have s*x these days (and in the past) and be so casual about birth control.

    Even people my age.. s*x is no big deal..

    There has to be more focus on s*x education because without proper knowledge..  

  3. I'm pro-life.  And yes, it does bother me.  In my younger days I wanted a child so badly, but it wasn't meant to be.  The only time that I got pregnant I lost it before it was even to see these children having children does make me angry.  Not only because they don't have ethics enough to know that all they had was s*x, not love.  (Oh they might think they did, but at this age (51) I know better.)  But also because they aren't adult enough to be parents!

  4. My husband's ex-wife was a regular brooding mare. She popped out babies every year or so. I raised 3 of them but there are many more that she gave away. her mother and I are good friends and grandma is glad to know the 4 kids she does know. I have no Idea how women can be like this. My older sister was a major s**t but she had herself fixed after having one kid and she was 21 when she had Eric. It just breaks my heart that some people have kids like they are candy bars and then throw away the wrapper. Sad really sad. Peace&Love to you...~M~

  5. 1) I'm mostly Pro-Life in some situations an abortion can be consider appropriate.

    I saw in TV a while ago a 9 year old was raped and got pregnant,but people would not let her get an abortion for religious reasons so, she ended up dying along with the baby during the birth. I think in this situation an abortion should have happened because at least the little girl would have been saved and it wasn't her fault she got pregnant.

    2) I don't think teenagers should be having s*x at all and this is coming from a teenager herself.

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