
Just a general question.....?

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Given the disgreement between people here (and everywhere else, I am sure) do you often wonder if they aren't even watching the same game you are? I mean, don't you sometimes want to forget being respectful and polite and just say, "Are you freaking NUTS? Are you even watching the same game that I am? Can you look at the (goal, hit, play, call, etc.) and seriously think it (was right, was correct, wasn't right, wasn't correct, was diving, wasn't diving, was dirty, was fair)???? Are you a complete (moron, idiot, blind, fool, etc.)????

Now, I'm sure that's what people would want to say to me from time to time, but most of us retain some class. And I disagree with a lot of people WITHOUT feeling that way, too. But wouldn't it be fun to just rip on a few people sometimes?




  1. Yes! I know exactly what you're talking about. However, I decided long ago that I wouldn't talk to people on here any differently then I would talk to them in person. I'm polite and respectful in person, so I'm the same on here.

  2. If you ever watched the movie "A Fish Called Wanda" you'll remember a scene where John Cleese says to Kevin Kline; "Are you DERANGED?"

    Well, that's one of the nicest things I have said to my monitor before I composed a more civilized response.

  3. LoL its what Hockey is all about. but the Only thing you can't be is a sore loser. Give credit where its due, and you'll be fine. But Yeah i def. agree with the point your trying to make. But its different to rip someone online than it is in person. In person you can actually hear and see their tone of voice and posture, and know its a joke. Online, You can't, Thats what causes some problems around here lol .

  4. That's about right. Still there are some things that are open to interpretation, is it an outright dive - or just an embellishment of something that should be called anyway?

    For instance Osgood's fall after being hit by Sykora the other night. When I look at it, I see Sykora purposefully throwing a shoulder in to Osgood. Now it wasn't a hard shot, but it did deserve a goalie interference call. I think Osgood did a little acting along w/ bring thrown off balance, but it' still interference. But now Pens fans are claiming he's a diver. And I think, were they watching the same video??

    The same w/ the sucker punch on Franzen. People were saying it was 5 seconds or more before he "decides" to fall down. I looked at the video half a dozen times and it's barely over 1 sec.

    LITY - yep, some people are just that way.

  5. I have seen the fans of many teams looking through their own rose colored glasses at games. I have my team and I root for them. But I play as well. So I tend to look at the game itself. I have told other fans what is what. I have pointed things out to them and taught them something as well. The people who used to sit behind me called it Kimmy's Hockey class. I don't mind cheering for your team . That is expected. But don't be stupid about it. Know what you are talking about . I have said a bad call or penalty or it was offsides . Because I can see it. I still enjoy the game but I am not rude to anybody.

  6. I've watched video of games with people, and seen blatant dives, calls, etc...........and had the offending players admit it............and the person I am watching it with will refuse to believe it.

    For instance, I have a very good friend who is an Islander fan............he refuses to believe that Duane Sutter's goal in 1980 should have been called back for an offside.  You can show this person timestop video showing the blatant 2 foot offside gap, and he says it's 'bad video'.  Al Arbour admits it was offside and calls it a lucky break.  My friend's response........."Al's just saying that for the cameras"


    Stickle knows he blew it, but you can't change the past.  When he retired, he mentioned that he probably missed dozens of calls, but it's the fastest game on's to be expected.

  7. Oh yeah I always get that feeling.I try to be polite and funny but my answers always come out vulgar and mean.xD

    I'm sure though people can say the same to me...I said Malkin was the Pens best player this series.LOL

  8. Yea, I know exactly what you mean, I try to control my frustration, but I let it out occasionally.

    Props to None Profound, he keeps his cool through everything.

  9. i feel the same way

    sometimes i feel like yelling ARE YOU BLIND on a lot of the questions asked here

    there are somethings which i can see being questioned and i disagree politely but some seem so obvious

  10. I let it fly.It's amazing I don't get in more fights then I do but I try to inject humor into it while still calling the person a jackass.Don't get Sabres' fans started with the "No Goal"of '99.

    LITY-My dad used to tell me Stickle knew he blew the call when Islander fans showed with there hands apart how far out of the zone it was.

    LITY-Agreed.Can't change the past so I don't dwell on it plus I was 7 yrs old anyway.

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