i am an adoptee and i am comfortable and happy i was adopted. i have found both my birthparents. they were a mess back when they had me and the reasons they gave me up are obvious. i have thanked them for what they did for me. several times. my experience was positive and i share my story openly. now that being said we all know that not all adoptions are rosie and grand. some are immoral, some are down right awful experiences. the list goes on, but all in all is it really so hard to TRY to have some understanding of all sides? for those that adoption was a bad experience, cant you try to see it isnt always like that? for those that had a good experience, cant you have some compassion for others that have only heartache connected to it? for birthfamilies that gave up their children willingly and openly, cant you see that it some are forced into that decision?
the questions can go on forever, but in the end is having some respect and understanding for the other side really that hard?