
Just a question: If humans came from ADAM& EVE only, why are there so many different races?

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wouldn't there just be one race.




  1. well you see, they didn't come from Adam & Eve, that is just a fairytale that some very, very ignorant people actually believe!

    Seriously I cannot believe that so many people really think that these full grown humans were put on this earth. ARE YOU DUMB!?

  2. Did you ,no ,that all human/s are created,=,, we all have 97 percent, of the same DNA,, it is the last  3 percent that changes, our color,,our eye's hair ,etc,,etc,, so now add where we come from ,, what country's,, there are a lot of factor's which change, are gene pool,, that change in that three percent,, climate,, foods, etc etc,,  or maybe God was trying to teach , us the true meaning of LOVE , its, not who you look like on the out side,, It;s who we become on the inside,, because when it is all said and done ,, we shed these body,s and it's  our spirit,, that move;s on

  3. may be Adam is white and EVE is Black   :)

    we don't have any proof that they both are white or both are black ....:there is a chance one of them white and other black :)

  4. Because species change. The same things happens with animals. There are certain types of fish that used to have eyes, then when they started living in darker places, there eyes scaled over. Certain colored moths have changed color to fit in with an environment. Look at a camelion.

    These are just some of the possible reasons, of course if you believe in the story in the first place.

    Look at dogs, there are over a 100 species of dog. Same with cats. What about horses, ponies, donkeys, zebras they all come from the same species but they have different skin color.

  5. Evolution - and I believe the Adam and Eve thing is made up.

  6. People's bodies, especially over hundreds of years, adapt to their surroundings.  Notice how just about every culture based around the equator has darker skin than their northern counterparts, well, over the centuries they've developed different skin pigments allowing their bodies to accept more sunlight without it causing cancer or skin irritations.  

    Eye color can also change depending on the weather, environment and surroundings.  My own eye color changes from blue to hazel to green depending on the seasons!  

    I am sure there is much more scientific information out there to prove this as well.  Try looking it up online through!

  7. The race concept is not particularly useful from the biological or sociological point of view, since all the races belong to an only biological species, Homo sapiens, and they only show small genetic variations. The culture much more constitutes an important factor at the time of determining the conduct and style of life of the different human groups. The term race is controversial by the slight knowledge of superiority and inferiority that takes implicit. The race constituted the justification to implant the state of slavery, the social persecution of minorities and other groups, like the one of the Jewish town during n**i Germany, or the system of apartheid in South Africa. Historically, the physical anthropologists had divided to the humanity, taking care of to their morphologic characteristics, in three great subdivisions or races: negroide, mongoloide and caucasiana. Some scientists were further on adding amerindian and the South Sea islander. Like biological concept, the race was more evident when the differences made reference to the morphologic characteristics, like the pigmentación of the skin, the color, forms and thickness of the hair, the form of the nose or the corporal structure. The appearance of the genetic analysis wine to refute this idea. Before this definition, the classification of the races depended on a combination of geographic, ecological and morphologic factors. In second half of century XX, the investigations on the frequency allocations of genes invalidó this approach. To conceive clear borders between the different races was possible from the morphologic point of view, but the use of the genetic analysis demonstrated that the hereditary variants were indifferent to such boundaries, allowing to the races to intermingle itself through other intermediate forms. , today at sight of its mobility and interrelation every greater time, its infinite number is clear. The concept of race, invalidado by the modern genetic investigation, has not disappeared absolutely. Some scholars still use it; nevertheless, many experts advise against it, even like scientific idea, due to their political connotations and to the height that are having some racist ideologies in some countries of western Europe.

  8. race is an artificial concept like color. if you look at a rainbow, can you really pin point where the blue stops and the green, but you can tell green from blue.

  9. I'm thinking (even though it didn't say so) that it happened in Genesis 11:1-9 with the story of the Tower of Babel.  This is where a tower was being built up to Heaven and this angered God and he struck down the tower and scattered the people throughout the world and confused their languages.  So this is definitely where the different languages come from, probably the races as well (it only mentions languages though).

  10. If you want to figure out the answer, just look around you at nature, animals have changed over the thousands of years to adapt to their environment. Do you really think there were so many different breeds of dogs, for example just because they started that way? Or cats, or horses, or any creature that now lives on the planet earth? Humans did the same thing, they changed as needed for where they lived.

  11. That story isn't history its designed to teach good morals. Its not literal

  12. Color of skin has been adapted by where we live and Climate. Different languages arose from the building of the tower of babel.

  13. People adapted to their environment. People left Africa at different times. The people that left earlier are lighter skinned than the people who stayed as a result of Vitamin D absorption rates, etc. Adam and Eve would have been dark skinned but their ancestors (i.e. everybody else) would have undergone different changes throughout the tens of thousands of years since then.

  14. I'm dying for a "Bible-believing Christian" (you know, the absolute anti-evolution, "the world was created, exactly in its present state, approx. 5500 years ago, out of nothingingness, in 6 days" kind) to offer an attempt at a rational answer to this question. Should be fascinating, don't you think? Here's hoping one stumbles along and is up to the task.

    My money's on something to do with the Tower of Babel, but like one person said, that really only makes reference to language, I'm pretty sure, but chances are that won't stop them, heh. Or maybe it will be something to do with the sons of Noah splitting into different races... Isn't that what Bible-believers used to say to justify racism and slavery? *rollseyes*

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