
Just a question about some dangerous games parents play with kids.?

by  |  earlier

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read the link, how many of you have played these games with your kids?? were you aware of how dangerous they really are?

I have to admit to some of them.. but NEVER NEVER #10!




  1. Most of them are not proper, but "dangerous?"  I thought they would be like "Let's run around the house with scissors."

  2. Come on...people look to deep into things...Ease up...I am not emotionally scarred from these "games" my parents played on me.

  3. i see nothing wrong with #10 if ur kids are teenagers

    and i also bet the person who wrote this doesn't believe in spanking either.

  4. Well I agree that the one which play the parents against each other can be damaging. but #10 if they want a pet and say they will take care of it then they have to. If not the pet goes. It is called natural consequence.

  5. I have heard every single one of these comments from my mother with the exception of #4 and #10.  I think alot of us have heard these comments as children and Im sure I will make a couple of them myself when I have children.  I dont however, believe I have any lasting emotional damage or otherwise from them.  

      Everything has the potential to be harmful and I believe 4 and 10 and bordering on emotional abuse but as for the rest, I highly doubt they will leave any lasting emotional effect other than being annoying to the child who is asking.  

    Not to mention some of these are also something children do to their parents.  They will ask one and when they dont get the answer they want they will ask the other.  Or they will try to make good parent bad parent on their own.

  6. I have said a few of those things. The *wait for Christmas* does not seem bad to me, though. My daughter just asked me for a small *flip video camera* so her friends could make music video's. It wasn't too expensive, about $150. and I said, "Put it on your Christmas list." I don't see that as bad, as she will get it for Christmas.

    The other, "Ask your dad." normally, I don't use that, but I have, especially if I'm not sure that we're going to be on the same page. If they wanna have a sleepover and I think it sounds fine- well, he may have to do some work at home- so it's ultimately up to him.

    I agree that the pet thing is awful and the comparison to siblings is bad, but yes, I think a lot of people do most of the other stuff.

    No one is a perfect parent. We try our best and that's it.

  7. The Games were someone's opinion...................just an opinion

  8. I'm a single parent, so a lot of those "games" don't even apply in our family.    The only one I can ever recall playing is number 1....."Maybe for Christmas."    In our house, it's not really a game, because when I say they might get something for Christmas I put it on a running list of possible Christmas presents, and a few weeks beforehand I ask if they are still interested.  I don't believe in breaking promises to children.

  9. My mom plays the #4 game. The 'why-can't-you-be-like-______' game. Seriously, it drives me mad and it offends me.

    "This one is down right evil." [First line]

    Man, that is so right!

  10. First, these aren't "games" and I do think its a little over the top. It seems as though its taken WAY too seriously. Wait til christmas or your birthday? Please, that is legitimate. Child wants a bike...wait til christmas. If you just go out and buy one, what are you going to buy your kid @ christmas? Its not a unreasonable request.

    And to me, Go ask your father, means the parent is undecided and shows the child that the parents are together, what one says the other agrees too or they can discuss it.

    The only one I do agree with is comparing siblings...that is wrong.

    The pet thing I'm torn, I don't think its an unreasonable request to expect your child to care for the pet they have chosen. Especially if they said they would. It teaches them responsibility, if they can't then they shouldn't be given such. Though I think a child should only be given 1 try. If you've had to give a pet back because the child didn't care for it...they don't get another pet, ever.

  11. Daughter is two so to young for any but i will admit that 10 was something i thought of.  I don't don't  don't want the responsiblity of a dog and my wife thinks we should get one. i said when she is a teen she can have one if she is 100% responsible if not it will go.  Now we just won't get one. I am not walking, or letting a dog out in 5 feet of snow

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