
Just a question about the legal age of s*x

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i have a cousin she is 17 years old and she is sleeping with her 26 year old boyfriend i just want to know if this is legal or not




  1. depends where she lives in aus 16 is legal

  2. Depends where you live. In australia its legal. To be considered underaged here is 16.  

  3. depending on the age of consent in her state it could be ok..but if the age of consent is 18 then no cuz it could be considered statutory rape

  4. no its not.  18 is legal!

  5. In most states under 16 is statutory rape.  Some states say the consensual age is 16, 17 or 18, but I think that may only be when the partner is also under those ages.  Under 18, she is still not a legal adult so her parents could probably press charges on this guy.

  6. Anyone under 18 is a minor.  That's in all the states.  It is illegal to have s*x with a minor.  It is called statutory rape even with the minors consent.  A parent can charge and have them arrested for statutory rape.  

  7. Whereabouts is she?

    in USA - not legal

    in Australia - legal

  8. 18 if shes 17 and sleeping wiht a 26 year old its considered rape

  9. It really depends where you live (or your cousin) if its considered legel or not.

    Either way a 26 year old should not be having s*x with a 17 years old girl. IMO.  

  10. Not legal, but who cares, if she enjoy it and she is ok with it, then why would it be a problem ? Legally she could sue him, but since she is consentant, then it's ok.

  11. i dont know

  12. Its legal as long as they only sleeping.The legal youngest age to have s*x is 16 and there is no oldest legal limit.

  13. That depends upon which state you live in; it's not the same in every state.  Here in NY he would go to jail for statutory rape and would have to register as a s*x offender.  

  14. Once a person is 16, they can have s*x with who they like, it doesn't matter how much older the person is. The only time when this is illegal is if the older person is in a authority position such as a teacher, or obviously a member of the family.

    Do you have any reason, apart from the age difference, for disapproving of their relationship?

    Most young girls find it a lot easier to relate to older men.

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