
Just a question concerning the house elves in Harry Potter?

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Why don't the house elves stand up for themselves if there are some people treating them badly (like the malfoys for instance). Are they under some sort of obediance spell or something? Why do they see the need to hurt themselves? When they're born who looks after them, their parents? And at what age do you think they would start working for a family? Would they go to some sort of school, where would they learn their magic from?




  1. most house elves were breeeded within the family they worked for so that the family would always have a wokring house spell. and they didnt stand up for themselves becuase of a kinda obedience wasnt really a spell but it was in there nature to obey and if they didnt they were punishe. they learned that from theire parent and their paretns learned that from their paretns and so on. it was the elves nature to obey and so they did. elves were never relaly looked after except by their paretn who generally difnt live too long. hope ive helped. check out my Q;...

  2. It's in their nature to obey. Our instict would be to stand up and fight, while their instict is just the opposite. They don't go to school, and I'm guessing they start work as soon as they're old enough to carry a tea tray. They're like slaves, only they like it that way. They get their joy from working. Like I said, it's just their nature.  

  3. The house elves are obsessed by being servants for their families. Hermione asked them a question like that in one way or another, and that is what she got as a reply.  

  4. All they know is to obey. They feel loyalty to their 'masters' therefore if they tell something they aren't supposed to instead of getting beaten by the 'master' they punish themselves. It's never really said but I'm sure their parents look after them, they probably start working as soon as they are of age, 10 or 12 I'd say, whatever that translates to in elf years lol. Their magic is something they are born with, I imagine, so their family would just teach them how to use it properly probably..

  5. Remember, Dobby says that a house elf can be freed if they get clothes from their master.  I don't think all house elves hurt themselves, I think it was because Dobby was not following everything the Malfoy's, his masters, have told him to do.  There are house elves at Hogwarts, and they like it there.  

    They seem to be connected with a family that is wealthy enough to keep them, so in a way, it is kind of like slaves, it just depends on their masters how well they are treated.

  6. Until they're freed, House-Elves are subject to their masters. They hurt themselves if they don't follow their masters' commands. They're essentially slaves, but they're also willing. Their one purpose is to do whatever their masters say, and they (with very rare exceptions, such as Dobby) enjoy it. They find it honorable.

    Their parents might look after them, if it's all right with the masters. Otherwise, they would probably be left to fend for themselves--wizards don't hire nannies for House-Elves.

    They would probably start working as soon as they were physically able to.

    The House-Elves' magic is different than wizard magic--it's instinctive.  

  7. It is what they think they need to do to be a house elf. They respect and treat there families with kindness. It is all ancient magic. I think they would start working for a family at the age of 1

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