
Just a question on names...

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Okay, I want my kids to have names that have importance/family meaning. Here are all the family names I would want to use...

Girl: Emily, Bronwyn, Grace, Elizabeth, Naomi, Jessica, Rebecca, Sarah, Madeleine, Lorraine.

Boys: Shawn, John, Matthew, Gregory, Noel.

And some names of non-family members I would love to honour...

Girls: Suellen, Bronwyn, Sarah, Bronte, Vanessa, Jodie, Christine, Lindsay.

Boys: Christopher, Nicholas, Robert.

Okay, so can you make any names with these? Either with 2 of my names or with one of my name a name you think goes with it. You can put my names in either first or middle name position. Thanks!




  1. I like Sean Matthew and Madeleine Grace

    I like Bronte for a boy.

  2. Christopher Noel is a really cute name for a boy

    I can see that you put Bronwyn in both so i will put that in my name although it's REALLy nothing i would youse personally

    so....maybe....Naomi Bronwyn

  3. Nicholas Noel

    Lindsay Madeleine

  4. you have a lot of nice names to work with.

    Vanessa Lorraine

    Naomi Rebecca

    Lorraine Grace

    Lindsay Bronwyn

    Jodie Madeleine

    Gregory Nicholas

    Noel Robert

    Shawn Christopher

  5. Madeleine Sarah Grace

    Shawn Christopher Noel

  6. Girls:

    Bronwyn Elizabeth (my sister's name!)

    Emily Grace

    Naomi Lorraine

    Sarah Bronwyn (both names as friends and family)

    Christine Grace (christine after your male friend christopher)

    Shauna Lorraine (after your male family shawn)

    Nicole Bronte (after male friend nicholas)


    Gregory John

    Robert Noel

    Shawn Christopher

    Matthew John

    Nicholas Shawn

    Of course these creations also need to blend with your family name but these are a few i came up with from the names you mentioned.  You might also have noticed that i changed a few of your male names into female names.  Sometimes changing from the masculine form to the feminine form is the answer you are after.  For example my Father is Brian and my daughter i named Brianna, the female form of Brian.

  7. Elizabeth Grace

    Emily Grace

    Lindsay Grace

    Shawn Nicholas

  8. From your list I like:

    Emily Bronwyn (I've never heard this name before)

    Madeleine Lorraine

    Naomi Christine

    Shawn Nicholas

    Matthew Robert

    Noel Christopher

  9. Emily Elizabeth  or

    Madeleine Grace


    Christopher John

  10. Elizabeth Naomi

    Elizabeth Kate

    Jodie Rebecca

    Madeleine Elizabeth

    Gregory Noel

    Saul Gregory

  11. Girl: Jessica Lindsay

    Boy: Noel Robert

  12. Naomi Sarah

    Elizabeth Bronte

    Bronwyn Grace

    Shawn Matthew

    Christopher Robert

    Noel Gregory

  13. I like Bronwyn, Lorraine, and Christine for girls.

    I like Sean and noel for boys.

  14. Emily Grace sounds wonderful!

    Matthew Noel sound nice too!

  15. Emily Bronte :D

    Jessica Vanessa :D

    Naomi Robert :D

  16. Emily Marie

    Sarah Grace

    Leah Rose

    Nicholas Shawn

  17. Girl: Grace Elizabeth

    Boy: Matthew Noel

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