
Just a question ???????

by  |  earlier

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how did you get over the person that broke up with you

and then they tried everything to bring you down?

what did you do or/and what would you do?




  1. when your around him ignore him.. act like you don't know him.. and don't care about him..and also.. smile.. laugh... start dating other people. and if you still have feelings for him... then its ok to feel sad.. just not around him...  

  2. not listen to them i became the bigger person.if you want to talk email me

  3. thats happened to me.

    but not only was he flirting with every girl at school, he talked c**p about me and spread lies and called me cuss words.

    for me, i got over it because he never spoke to me in person again,

    he moved to fremont later on,

    and because of my friends.

    at first i always talked about it with my friends[ luckily they didnt get annoyed like most people would] and it really helped to get my feelings out in the open like that.

    then eventually, over summer, he got a new girlfriend,

    and we never saw each other [unlike during school] and that really helped me get over it all and move on.

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